> Do you still believe global warming is real?

Do you still believe global warming is real?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And if you do, do you have faith that it's getting worse?

I predict that it will rain some, be hot some days, be cold some days. I predict we will have floods and droughts and dust storms. I predict huge hail stones and huge snow flakes and huge raindrops. There will also be small ones as well.

I predict the wind will blow from the north and the south and likely all points on the compass.

And we will have good days and bad and folks will complain about the weather and try to pass laws to change the weather.

Yes to a point. I have a son who is a meteorologist and he says that the planet is in constant change. I do know that mankind does harm on the planet but I believe that whether or not there was humans that the planet changes. We might eventually might have to survive another ice age.

Archeology and ancient findings show the changes in different parts of the world with climate and plant growth etc.

The Midwest of the USA had a major stripping of the land by farmers and there was what is called a dust bowl and many farmers lost their farms. Then they started to do strip farming, alternating crops so not to strip the land of nutrition that are needed for health farm land.

Absolutely. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


As a scientist, geologist, I cringe a bit when I see the word believe. I try to look at the evidence and evaluate what is most likely true. I think it probably warmed over the world in the last 100 years. I am skeptical that humans were the primary cause and even if we were that we would cause "catastrophic" warming. I think alarmists hate that word catastrophic because it sets the bar too high and in order to push their clean energy / anti-capitalist agenda, they want a very low bar. Global warming is an ill defined term. It can mean one thing to you and another to someone else.

I accept the scientific consensus regarding global warming, which is that it is real, it is caused by humans, and it is likely to have net negative consequences if we do not take any measures to slow or stop it.

I also think that, in essence, we are taking measures to slow it, so it is not necessarily getting *worse*, at least in the sense of "things are happening faster than we previously predicted", but is instead staying at about the levels we predicted, or possibly even getting a bit better (again, relative to projections rather than to prior states). But we've got a lot more to go.

The pro global warming argument: We have evidence to show that the atmosphere is heating up faster than at any time in thousands of years. Decades ago climate scientists made predictions that warming would cause severe weather, and those predictions are now coming true. Arctic and Antarctic ice is melting faster than predicted. The theory is supported by actual empirical evidence.

The anti global warming argument: Global warming is a hoax. If you believe it you're either a liberal or stupid, but that's redundant. Ha ha, you're a stupid liberal.

So yeah, I believe global warming is real. I also believe that cigarettes are bad for you and that a fertilized egg is not a 'fetus'.

I still believe that physics works.

I observe that atmospheric CO2 continues to rise.

I observe that summer sea ice extent continues to drop - a known positive feedback.

I haven't observed any increase in negative feedbacks.

I conclude that warming is real and continues to worsen.

For those that do believe, it shows that global warming is nothing more than a religion....

I predict that a tropical storm named Cristobal will form over the outer Caribbean/Atlantic in the next six weeks and travel west northwest. It will have a 50% chance of becoming a hurricane and a 13% chance of making landfall in the US.

They call me The New Mr. Smartypants.

Pfffft!!! If there wasn't a biased IP CC and media along with a strong appeal to bigger Government by liberals, no one would have ever noticed.

When they can adequately calculate how much temperature rises with each additional 10ppm of CO2, then we might be getting somewhere. Alarmists can't at the moment, but nuclear physicists and engineers have calculated it and CO2 is not as much of a forcing as the alarmists claim. It's pure "environmental-science-based psycho-babble" at this point in time.

And if you do, do you have faith that it's getting worse?

It is real in the minds of the greenies. It is real in the minds of those governmental authorities who take our money and squander it on nations that hate us and people like Al Gore. It is real to the UN who get billions of dollars from various countries. It is real to legislatures who force asinine enactments down our throats.

But scientifically it is bogus. Sure the Earth is warming. It has since 1650 the bottoming of the Little Ice Age. But 0.87 degrees in over three hundred years does not constitute anything of danger.


0.87 degrees in 353 years

That is just normal and nothing to cause all this stir. The proponents want taxes and tyranny. That is what it amounts to.

Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister: “No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Justice and equality are code words for Communism.

Yes.It's real but I don't think that it will end the world.

yes. because globally the planet is warming up. as it was doing before we came along. and yes sea levels are going to rise and yes animals are going to extinct. but they would have done anyway and there are much better arguments for stopping deforestation such as the local livelihoods and wildlife rather than its supposed CO2 impact

No I dont believe it is real, and I dont believe it is getting worse, the climate is much the same as it has always been, this is what my 68yr old bones tell me.

I am skeptical that humans were the primary cause and even if we were that we would cause "catastrophic" warming.

yes i do

Yes, no-not faith, reality