> Is this new tax that goes into effect tomorrow in California going to help the climate? Or is a scam?

Is this new tax that goes into effect tomorrow in California going to help the climate? Or is a scam?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

All tax is theft and the mark of slavery (slavery=being forced to labour for another), so by definition it's a scam.

It is not a tax (that is another Faux News misrepresentation), it is a cap and trade program which was enacted in 2006 (under Gov. Schwartzenneger) and went into effect in 2012. All that is happening now is that the program is being extended to wholesalers of auto fuel. The program seems to have worked well so far, so it is probable that the extension will work as well (although it may increase gas prices by a paltry 10 cents).


Cap and trade is not a tax, it's a means to lower pollution output.


