> Is there a way to fix the ozone layer?

Is there a way to fix the ozone layer?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The only way to fix it, is to limit human populations to less than 1 billion persons worldwide. Ozone depletion started in the late 1700s, when human population exceeded 1 billion, and when the Industrial Revolution started to support that growth.

In the interim, there are things we can do to mitigate the damage:

- stop all non-emergency aircraft flights

- stop burning any fuel that contains hydrogen

- control the surface reflectivity of Earth

- remove all dams, and stop draining all underground aquifers

... might buy us 100 years.


"... thinks draining aquifers are harming the ozone. That shows you what nut birds they are not the mention ..."

Altering land flows, alters ocean currents:


So how we "constipate" these flows (both above and below land surface) affects our climate.


Ozone guy thinks draining aquifers are harming the ozone. That shows you what nut birds they are not the mention the rest of his answer.

There is nothing to fix. It is a hoax. The eco fascists invent a crisis and then attack an industry and move on.

Basically--yes, and we've already done it.

The ozone hole (technically, just a really thin spot) was caused mostly by CFLs. We have drastically reduced our use of same, so we're not emitting nearly as much, so the ozone hole is repairing itself.


sorry, that's CFCs, not CFLs. Dratted acronyms...

Yeah. Leave it alone and let solar radiation rebuild it as it does naturally. There is a reason a hole in the ozone layer forms when the pole is in the dark for many months out of the year.

the ozone is not broken n00b

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

All the variations are natural. Not anybody has proven otherwise.

Make asthma inhalers cost ten times as much.

It ain't broke.

Absolutely there is ! And that's the elimination of avarice and greed in human's mind.