> Its going to be 3 degrees F tonight so why should i belive in global warming?

Its going to be 3 degrees F tonight so why should i belive in global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't even want to think about how cold February will be

The result of global warming can sometimes seem counter-intuitive. It doesn't make everything hotter, it actually causes more extreme weather conditions. So the winters will be colder and the summers will be hotter. Since it is 3 degrees F, that is actually supporting evidence of global warming, since it is a colder winter than normal.

February is warmer weather than December, because the days are longer, and the northern hemisphere is tilting closer to the sun, so there is more time to increase the heat.

Global warming does not necessarily mean that the earth will turn into a big beach party and every climate will be like it is in Hawaii.

Global warming actually causes more extreme weather patterns because of rising sea water levels and changing wind patterns. This means that some places will have abnormal weather conditions like extreme cold spells or extreme droughts.

The reason that there are these extreme weather patterns in the U.S like freezing rain in Texas and double the amount of tornados is because of global warming.

You obviously don't understand climate change but perhaps you could pick up a kiddie dictionary and read the definition of "global".

Here's a starter. The cold weather (NB, not "climate") is caused by wind blowing down from the pole. That does not create a vacuum. The air is replaced by warmer air flowing from lower latitudes. So, when you get their cold air, the Inuit are suffering from a heat wave, maybe even above freezing.

You certainly should not believe it or not believe it depending on the temperature at your location, that's just stupid. Weather does not go away as the world warms--some places will be hot and some places will be cold.

Personally, if I lived some place where it was going to be 3 F, I would think about moving. That's just my own feelings, though.

Weather is not climate. Now if the entire planet showed no warming for a sustained period of time- say 13 years- then it would very difficult to believe in global warming.

Even under Fake Republican policies, food stamps and evil-Al-Gore-liberal-socialist taxpayer handouts will keep you from starvation, so why should you BELIEVE in spelling?

Try this order: Switch off computer. Learn basic English. Learn basic Science. THEN try clicking and pasting on the internet about things that you are miles away from understanding.

if you cannot tell the difference between local weather and global climate, ask again during a deadly heat wave.

You're just playing dumb right? Local is not global

Every time a bad storm forms we are told it's caused by AGW. Never do we hear AGW blaming nice weather on AGW. If the AGW cultists want to attribute every bad storm, every record high temp to AGW then skeptics are just as justified in attributing nice weather and record low temps to their notion that AGW is a failed theory.

Truth is that climates have always and will always change regardless of what humanity does.

How big does the pile of anecdotal evidence need to be before it's not anecdotal anymore?

Snow in summer in Australia.

Ice caps growing at both ends of the globe.

Record cold and snow over the whole NA continent.

The list goes on and on.

If only it WERE warming. If only...

John, just how much of that purple Kool-Aid have you drunk?

I don't even want to think about how cold February will be