> In which ways was scientist Svante Arrhenius (1859 –1927: first to predict global warming) an alarmist?

In which ways was scientist Svante Arrhenius (1859 –1927: first to predict global warming) an alarmist?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
First of all, what kind of name is Svante Arrhenius? Sounds like some Muslim name to me. I bet if you rearrange the letters, it spells Barack Obama – and the fact that I cannot do it just proves how devious THEY are. You probably think it is just a coincidence that he was born the same year that Darwin published his atheist-socialist manifesto.

Obama is the Antichrist and a General in the Cosmic War between Good and Evil who has been trying to force his socialism on America so the IRS can tax God-fearing Christian Tea-baggers. It is all part of the plan – Arrhenius, Beelzebub, Obama – they are the same; and Satan is his name. It is so obvious – but you have been brainwashed by the Three IPCC Stooges, Hansen, Mann, and Jones. You probably think it is also a coincidence that the Soviet Union was the CCCP – but any fool can see that IPCC and CCCP are almost the exact same thing.

Fg blah blah: He hypothesized that a doubling of CO2 would lead to a 6C rise in temperatures. This is the same reason that scientists today are doing it. Because of science and that is what the science points to.

Curious why the YA nazis closed down your previous questions. Seems to me one or more of the deniers has an influential buddy in YA I don't believe that is fair I have reported totally inappropriate denier questions and these posts were left standing

No. He simply published his results without getting political about it.

Of course, being a scientist, he would realize that the effect is not really measurable in light of the findings that the temperatures are not rising.

Svante August Arrhenius (1859 –1927)


“first person to predict that emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels were large enough to cause global warming.”

Please do not answer unless you can include links or other supporting evidence for his "alarmist" words or deeds.