> If the only documented example of terms being adopted for political use came from a climate skeptic?

If the only documented example of terms being adopted for political use came from a climate skeptic?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
J Just look

I In the

M Mirror,

Z Zaphod Beeblebrox, and project yourself back to Earth.

I'm not sure everyone will get the reference to O.M.'s question, but it's clear he's joined the ranks of the other conspiracy theorists in here.

I wonder if anyone remembers Randall (aka Didier Drogba)? It's been a few years since he posted here, but I'd love to see a denier again that (1) can write coherently and (2) is not suffering paranoid delusions regarding conspiracies.

I guess it's hard to find a denier that has some semblance of rationality.

EDIT for Kano: No, dislike of a particular term has nothing to do with conspiracy theories, but when you start thinking that someone dreamed it up decades ago (when the only people that knew about it were scientists) for later propaganda purposes, that is crazy conspiracy talk.

The entertainment value I get from watching you guys wrap yourselves around the axle is outstanding.

And for a very large ironic twist, your answer to the question I presume you are referring to here is the best and most informative thus far. Only on YA.

G Government?

C Conspiracy?

N Nut?

P Projectionist?

Or leading "skeptics" are just making stuff up in order to decieve people.

Dislike of a term that implies something that it is not, is not a conspiracy theory

I wish I had some idea what you were on about

why would a climate skeptic here accuse scientists of doing this before climate science became entirely politicized?

Is the climate skeptic here guilty of massive Freudian projection? Or is he just a stark-raving mad paranoid conspiracy theorist like the data suggests is common among climate skeptics?