> Ideas for a global warming visual representation?

Ideas for a global warming visual representation?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Any ideas regarding the impacts humans have upon the environment in relation to global warming? Cheers.



Why do you persist with the lie about supposed no warming for 16 years?


This graphic has been pointed out to you numerous times.

11 years is weather, barely a complete sunspot cycle.


You can show anything you want from cherrypicked dates.


A concept map is a visual representation of main ideas and relationships among those ideas. Concept mapping is a thinking strategy for finding patterns in the information you have gathered during your research and organizing your conclusions for presentation and sharing.

The concept map often looks like a spider web, with nodes of main ideas connected by arrows, lines, or symbols to show how the main ideas are related.....

Why not go with photo-shopped polar bear standing on a small ice floe, or the power station with the sky darkened so the steam looks like smoke, or the other B.S. propaganda.

What impact are we having there has been no warming for 16yrs? only hot air from the alarmists.

We have been beaten over the head with claims of disaster, dire consequences, millions dying, cities drowning, food crops failing, hurricanes and tornadoes rampaging, we are numb, you can't frighten us anymore, we either don't believe or we don't care anymore.


okay cooling for 11 yrshttp://www.woodfortrees.org/graph/hadcru...


What global warming?


Why would you ask the same question 3 times????????????????????????????????

Any ideas regarding the impacts humans have upon the environment in relation to global warming? Cheers.