> If only liberals would watch Fox News, wouldn't they be informed of the global warming hoax?

If only liberals would watch Fox News, wouldn't they be informed of the global warming hoax?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming is a fact. It is just called "climate change" now because part of the global warming process is the increase of unusual / drastic weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, snowstorms, etc. as well as heat and drought. Over time, there will be more hot weather than anything else (except mabe tsunamis; remember the oceans are warming too). Btw, global average temperatures have been higher than normal for the last 332 months. So even if Colorado is having snow in June, most of the world isn't and it balances out to a warming trend.



You're right. Global warming isn't as big as al gore and all of those liars say. The earth probably has warmed up a little, but there's no proof that it's from us or if it's just a beginning of a small heat wave before we gradually go into another ice age (all of which will take thousands of years).

If only it was sarcasm, but I don't think it is.

On one side of this argument, we have faux, Limburger, and the Kochs.

On the other, we have the national science academies from every single industrialized country.


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of all of the major industrialized countries."

Gee, who should I believe? Faux? All of the scientists? Is that a hard choice?

Apparently not for faux viewers.

Edit (from 1 month ago): Q. "Do you ever feel like you're arguing with the Fox News anchors when you argue with republicans here?"

A. Fox News #1 Fan "No. I seldom get in arguments with other Republicans on this site. "

Not sarcasm -- he really thinks that.

You should check out his other posts. Nobody can be that sarcastic all the time.

I seldom watch Fox, they are too trivial most of the time, I do not get my information on climate change from Media as all of them misinform, and never give the source of their information so you cannot double check.

Media is about entertainment these days, less about news now unfortunately, all are allied to one political party or another, why cannot we have true independent news, where the facts are reported without putting their own spin/slant on it.

Saying that I dont believe in global warming.

And if conservatives would watch another channel for their news, they might not be so quick to accept slanted BS as fact. Fox has the Simpsons. Since Married with Children ended, Fox has shown nothing else worthwhile. Faux News is the most egregious example.

Well it is better than the other's who are nothing but Democratic shills. However, real news reporting went out in the sixties. Since that time they are nothing but a bunch of propagandists.

If you want the truth, there more knowledgeable people on this site. Focus on them. You will gain in knowledge and intelligence.

Only about 25% of people are foolish enough NOT to believe that Global Warming is real. They have no idea how dangerous that ignorance is to their descendants.

This video says it all about Fox News:

BRUSSELS (The Borowitz Report)―A ten-year European plan to gradually phase out American football in the United States and replace it with soccer is “very much on track,” a spokesman for the European Union confirmed today.

The E.U. spokesman, Alf-Jergen Holmboe, said the replacement of American football with soccer was the third in a three-step plan to transform the U.S. into a European country.

“The first two steps were electing a socialist President and instituting national health care,” he said. “Once soccer replaces football, our work will be done.”

Holmboe said that the E.U. could take no credit for the legalization of gay marriage in the United States, but called it “a very welcome development.” He added, “Once a country has socialism, national health care, and gay marriage, soccer is usually next.”

The spokesman offered no timetable for eliminating baseball, but indicated that it was “in the works.”

I heard that before Jesus died, he sealed up the strongest Soros assassin, Meat Yeor, in the northern ice caps. Isaac Berg is constantly trying to unseal his predecessor by melting the ice caps, but ran into the problem of satellites catching him red-handed. Therefore, George Soros decided that the best way to cover it up is to invent a bogus theory about human activity increasing the temperature of the Earth, which would also trick humanity into adopting more communistic regulations. Clearly, this conspiracy kills two birds with one stone. FACT.

Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid


I know all about the global warming hoax. I heard on Fox News that some hackers broke into some climate researcher's computers, and stole documents proving that global warming is a hoax. I also heard how global warming has actually stopped. Not only that but it snowed more than usual in New England this last winter. Global warming is a hoax and I'm not falling for it!!!!

Fortunately I live in Europe, and most of us don't get Fox News.

actually what would be lovely is if people actually watched multiple news agencies from around the world instead of the very left or right US news. the weather is and has always been cyclical. ever hear of the mini ice age.... google it you'll be shocked!

I tend to beleive those scientist who raised our life expectancy by 40 years more than the politicians that gave West Virginia liquorish flavored poison water. have you heard of the carbon dioxide box experiment that proved that CO2 cased temperatures to rise or do you get all your news from corporations

1 our of 4 people do not think that climate change is reals but in University 1 out of 4 will fail a science class. Coincidence?

'Fair & Balanced" reporting:

PS If you are a regular Fox News watcher, you'll probably fail to spot the error.

The hoax is that faux news is about facts.

The stupid begets stupid, makes america proud

Global warming is an undisputed reality.

The only question yet to be proven is that human activity is the cause or significant contribution.

Yes --- man-made Global Warming IS IN FACT A HOAX, but not for the reasons you state.

It's a HOAX because it's NOT warming --- but liberal/Alarmists continue to insist that it is. Here's the facts Moby Troll. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.ph...

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Those of us that have keep up with the issues know there are two separate issues, global warming and global climate change. There is no need to watch Fox for any purpose, they make no attempt to educate their audience.

You don't need to watch FOX and should not depend on them. Just look up the data for yourself. Look a historical data and swings. There is always rapid warming on followed by decades of flat temps and then rapid cooling.. We are now in 17 years of flat global temperatures.

Ya gotta be a troll. Every branch in science having to do with climate, glaciers, weather changes, all point to it being real.

Watch something other than Fox.....anything but Fox, and every other news organization on the planet will give you scientific information.

now they call it climate change but its still the same rhetoric to push a political agenda like gettin more of your mney and power and control. they wont show the real record that while one glacier was indeed melting ther 3 more on the other sie of the antarctic that grew 3 and 4 fold. etc. etc. i agree . im tired of the lies too. oh and by the way FYI it is realy called " demensional flux" this is what happens when extraterrestial forces act upon the earth. not aliens . if you believe in quantam theory then you know the possibilty exists that there are multiple demensions and one demension is battling our demension. the government has known this also for twenty or more years

Apparently. Fox News does not know the difference between Weather, Climate, and Global Warming.

Is New York City now considered the entire planet of Earth?

Oh no, I can't watch Fox ... it is too scary. Besides that, I needed my tin foil hat to wrap up my cookies:)

Read about GW on wikipedia. You will conclude that much of fox "news" is propaganda.

No because is a Right media.