> Cimate Change?

Cimate Change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It has been suggested that the climate change theory was developed when governments & businesses realised how quickly we are running out of fossil fuels including oil. There is an estimate that oil will only be accessible for 25 to 40 years, Natural Gas about 45 - 50 years and coals about 100 - 150 years. But its suggested the figures could be worse because they have to factor in increased usage and decreased availability

Presumably governments done want a major panic so the idea is encourage people to move to renewable


It wouldn't be the first time that governments and business have tried to avoid major panic eg in WW2 in Australia apparently they didn't tell people how much bombing was occurring in Darwin

Look around you, what climate change can you see with your own eyes, media, politicians, and some scientists have been predicting dire consequenses for the last 30yrs and yet nothing is happening.

Where the ice free Arctic, where is the no snow anymore, where is the 50 million climate refugees.

Yes we listened and believed to start with, but when they keep pronouncing ever more catastrophic events that dont occur, hey we are not that stupid eventually we realize it's a farce.

Because Republican politicians, Christians and conservatives don't love lies as much as Democrats, and Leftist Commies.

There is NO credible evidence for MAN-MADE Global Warming. It's a SCAM.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Why??? Here ya go:

Climategate Email Scandal and attempted cover-up.

Hockeystick Scandal and attempted cover-up.

Mann's refusal to cooperate with Attorney General's investigation.....suggests cover-up.

Thousands of so-called "scientists" jumping on carbon emitting jet planes to attend Climate Conferences held in luxury locations all over the world to discuss how WE......NOT THEY.....should lower our carbon footprints. Illustrates that those scientists really do not believe in catastrophic, Man-caused Global Warming.......they simply use it as a vehicle to make money for their universities and themselves.

Just to name a few reasons.

You can find "experts" on both sides of the issue. You have a choice of listening to the academics or to the ones who are paid by Big Energy. You know, the companies that pour money into the election campaigns of the people who claim that there is no climate change.

Because a ridiculous idea will always be a ridiculous idea, regardless of how well qualified the story teller is.

Al Sharpton is not a credible source

Unfortunately for the Republican Party, they have been pushed into taking more and more extremist positions, or else risk losing primary elections to someone that's even more extremist. Many of the reasonable members of the party have retreated from pro-science positions so that they don't get labeled as RINOs.

In general the party is condemning itself to being non-competitive in presidential elections because of their extremist views.

EDIT: Maxx says that "Republican politicians, Christians and conservatives don't love lies as much as Democrats, and Leftist Commies"

Well apparently MAXX loves them, because he's been caught telling lies in here on multiple occasions.

Why are so many people adamantly opposed to the credibility of scientists who propose climate change? And why is this pattern so prevalent among Republican politicians, Christians and conservatives?