> How will evolution change people further over time?

How will evolution change people further over time?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Almost no one dies because of their inherent inabilities. Natural selection could only occur in this situation if the humans with the lesser traits did not procreate as much as the able. That is not happening because the poor (low socioeconomic status generally means lower iq- low intelligence-inherited) are supported by society. The lower class is having more babies than the upper class. The population will become less intelligent. We can see that happening as sat scores fall, average iq falls, the brain is about a tennis ball smaller than it was 10000 yrs ago. Dysgenics

Our lower jaws have gotten smaller because there has been no selection for strong jaws to bite on tough food. We dont know how the "no selection" led to a change in the species. It probably has to do with some kind of unnoticed selection that generally goes along with weak jaw.

We control the environment and the most intelligent can produce for themselves and the rest. The ability to survive is no longer necessary.

Good lord. "How will evolution change people ..?"

James, "Yes."

Zippi, "Creation.com". (Heck, I guess we're perfect already. In fact, I'm so perfect it's astounding. It must be why I'm missing a gall bladder, prostate, and 5" of colon. Does that make me even more perfect?)

Kano "Because of improved food sources, each generation is becoming bigger than the generation before it."

That's completely true. But it's not evolution. It's just individuals that are provided sufficient food and health can grow to the extent that their already existing genetic makeup allows.

Evolution is interesting. Over time, existing species often favor those individuals, and families, that make better use of the resources. That happens because offspring of other families don't reproduce, or reproduce in smaller numbers. Evolution works by having some branches of the family tree die out.

Kathy "Other predictions are that we will get larger brains (heads) and longer fingers."

That's not how evolution works. A larger brain would have to provide the individual with more children. Typically that doesn't happen. Today, there's more cancer and heart disease than there ever has been in the evolution of humanity. One would think that it's beneficial to not have such, and it would have been eliminated by now. Not so. You can't predict what kind of mutation might happen at some point in the future.

There's no real way to know.

Humans are pretty well adapted to the world we're in now. You'll see some increase of "good" genes (like lactose tolerance, afaik), and some decrease in "bad" genes, but as far as I know there is not presently any great selective pressure on the human race.

What we'll be like in the future depends on:

1. What selective pressures we face in the future

2. To what extent we "help evolution along" with things like genetic engineering

3. Random chance (a lot of gene change is simply from mutation and genetic drift, rather than natural selection)

with no enviromental pressure being exercised on human species, we can predict (actually, even observe) shift towards earlier reproduction since that's [at a time] best way to promote genes across the population.

if A population starts breeding at 20 years of age compared to population B starting at 30 years, all other factors and mortality being the same, the population A squeezes three generations into 2 generation lifetime of B. that means, faster population growth, i.e. greater frequency of genes in the human population.

I think Mitbeast, "Linlyons and Chem Flunky have given good answers.

The thing is that these days, most people survive to have children so there isn't really anything left for evolution to do. If a disaster, such as a famine or an earthquake happens, it tends to kill at random so again, evolution doesn't come into it.

So the only thing happening at the moment is that the most successful at breeding are some religious groups and those who are too stupid to understand about birth control.

Luckily genetic engineering will be around to save us from that future.

According to the theory of Evolution, if humans evolved then they wouldn't be humans anymore. Think about that.

What would they call humans that evolved? Greenies!? Maybe we got something going here.

Ha! Ha! There is no missing link. Anyone who believes in Evolution has a missing brain.

Because of improved food sources, each generation is becoming bigger than the generation before it.

Creation.com will give a better description of how human life has evolved through time. Evolutionary science tries to use "carbon dating" to show how humans have progressed, but there is still major controversy about how "carbon dating" is applied. Evolutionary science doesn't have computer models to project what they think is going to happen. They use computer models to try and project how the climate is going to react to fossil fuel emissions, but they have been almost always wrong. Science has a long ways to go on their quest for understanding how life works.

We will become so stupid, we will believe infomercials.

Other predictions are that we will get larger brains (heads) and longer fingers

Kiss your little toe goodbye!
