> How to not afraid of thunders?

How to not afraid of thunders?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The lighting that strike your roof, sound bombing your eaars.

I have lived over seventy two years. Thunder has not caused me or my wife or my children or my grand children any harm. It is a natural function of the Earth. It means that everything is as it should be.

I lived in California in San Jose for a decade. One of the things I missed the most was thunder. I've heard thunder on tropical islands, on the plains, in the Tetons, Sierras and Colorado Rockies, all of the sounds were different and all were wonderful.

The lightning that goes with the thunder, is another story.There is no set instructions for safety. I've heard of people killed under a tree and I have heard of people killed out from under a tree. I have had lightning strike within ten feet of me (It sounded like a DING.) and I've seen lightning that would light up the whole area of the horizon on a prairie (about 15 miles in each direction) as though it were high noon on a sunny day.

I view it this way, "A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave one dies but once."

Learn what lightening is and how it works. Lightening can be dangerous and even kill, but if you understand it sufficiently, you are easily able to protect yourself and others. It is a fascinating subject and by learning how it works you might find that you see even more beauty in it then those who didn't learn.

In the past some people thought a god was responsible and one could be protected from lightening or cause lightening to strike enemies by praying to the right god. And as we can see, even today there are plenty of people who believe such nonsense.

You Use Headphone thunder time.You won't afraid every sound.

Try the psychology forum for ideas That is where this type of question belongs

Why not afraid of thunders? Me afraid of thunders. Thunders be bad.

practice being brave when seeing frightening stuff in movies

Pray to god and tell yourself theres nothing to be afraid of

The lighting that strike your roof, sound bombing your eaars.