> How long is it since we have had global warming?

How long is it since we have had global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

1998 it died

Global Warming ended 11/28/2012/ Confirmed by many Nations. Global Command

The anthropogenic global warming began with the industrial revolution and continues to this day.

It does not irritate me that people will still link to Watts for any scientific evidence. All is does is reinforce the person's self induced ignorance and gives the appearance that these people are incapable of using any critical thinking. That would be their problems and not mine.

Cue the alarmists: "There is NO pause and we can explain why there IS a pause."

@Climate Realist... Thank you. There is NO pause and this is what is causing it...


about 10,000 years

since last century

But.....How can that be???................The Models can't be wrong.....can they??
