> What will happen in 5 years or so if the ozone depletion is not dealt with?

What will happen in 5 years or so if the ozone depletion is not dealt with?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The ozone layer depletion has been dealt with. We have stopped or minimized the use of CFCs. It is showing signs of recovery.


Now as for Ozone Guy's lies. Crop production has been INCREASING FASTER than the population for quite some time. Furhter he provides no statistical analysis to base any of his other claims.

Basically, this is political mumbo-jumbo by someone that wants to scare everyone to living in the caveman times. His scare-mongering BS is stupid, but hard to combat. Why? Because he provides no data at all for anything. He just makes baseless claims that are difficult to even test. Food is less nutritious??? What in the heck does that even mean? Are you going to test all forms of crops and track the vitamin content over years??? NO ONE IS DOING THAT. Not only does he NOT have evidence of his claim, but he CAN'T have evidence of his claim.

But doesn't it sound so right??? I mean think back to the olden days when life was simpler and tea was naturally sweeter... EXCEPT, those olden golden days never happened. They are an illusion. People died early and a much higher percentage died of .... MALNUTRITION. And how many do we have dying of this lack of nutrition in the food???? OH YEAH... NONE.

Here is the sick thing. Ozone guy is talking hocus-pocus unscientific untestable BS, yet he will ahve the audacity to call me unscientific for calling out his LACK of evidence.

"What will happen in 5 years or so if the ozone depletion is not dealt with?"

"Im doing a project and you need to include what will happen in the future and your suppose to time stamp it. Please help its due tomorrow and thats the only slide i havent finsihed because im stuck"

More of what has already happened, of course;

- increases in cataracts in all creatures with corneas,

- increases in cancer and mutations,

- increases in starvation, as crops are smaller, crops have less nutrition, and once fertile land is sterilized by UV.

Although it can be demonstrated that CFCs catalyze the ozone conversion from O3 to O2, it isn't demonstrated that reduction in CFC had any measurable influence in the actual so called ozone hole. http://junkscience.com/2013/08/08/myth-m...

It was fixed in the 1980s , Somebody is giving you false information

More skin cancers, sunburns and premature aging of the skin.



Im doing a project and you need to include what will happen in the future and your suppose to time stamp it. Please help its due tomorrow and thats the only slide i havent finsihed because im stuck