> Has there really been any significant 'climate change' in the last 100 years?

Has there really been any significant 'climate change' in the last 100 years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No - 100 years is not enough time for a trend, it's only half a heartbeat in the life of the planet. The planet's climate changes all the time. If the planet isn't warming, it's cooling, and if it's not cooling, it's warming/ 1 degree over a century is well within any reasonable bounds of normal climate change.

The warming in the last hundred years is about the same as the previous 100 years. Is that significant? It depends on your definition of significant. Compared to previous changes, it hasn't been very significant in my opinion.

Here in Ontario We had a lot more Snow back in the 50s and 60s. Some years now I don't use My Snow-blower more than once or twice.

Check out the website, `The Climate Reality`.

the lion just won me over, a glacier melting, guess that never happened before. I am now a warmunist. Dam and to think a mile of ice over Chicago melting must have been because of that denier Fred Flinstone and his evil buddy Barney Rubble.. question answer..........No

Significant? No.

Even a thousand years is a short snap for our planet.

The Central England Temperature Dataset has temperatures recorded in the UK since 1772. If you look at the actual temperatures it all looks fairly constant.

The black line is the average and does show a rise - but you need good eyesight!

Not much YET. And half due to the Sun. But he Sun started cooling 50 years ago, and the Earth kept warming. Wait a hundred years.

Ask the people in the regions that are now suffering from the pine bark beetle infestations in areas that were formerly too cold to support their surviving there. I would imagine that they would think that the warming has been significant.


Obviously there has.

Maybe you can't see it in your cellar though.

No just a 00000000000.0000000000008% of a degree rise

Yes, there has.

. .
