> Greenpeace protesting Lego?

Greenpeace protesting Lego?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
<<...basically greenpeace is calling parents to boycott the lego brand..>>

Not even 'basically'.

Greenpeace has not called for the boycott of Lego products. Greenpeace has launched a petition in which it invites users to tell Lego that their deal with Shell (which involves a pristine and clean Arctic Lego sets to be sold/given to kids at their pumps) is just a PR campaign by Shell aimed at children while Shell's and other oil companies actions in the Arctic are anything but pristine nor clean.

Strange to say, I half agree with Kano here. Not that Greenpeace is "anti-human" or any such alarmist rot, but that they have, and for quite some years, been effectively anti-relevant. Lego is leagues down the list of companies to even think about boycotting and (here at least Greenpeace is apparently sensible), the plastic bricks are the last item in Lego's rather dubious recent diversification deserving any kind of rebuke whatever.

On the other hand, it would be an interesting challenge to come up with a Lego, or competitive line, of bricks made from recycled plastic from the Pacific vortex, or from wood, or stone, or metal or some other substance.

In our society, it's pretty unrealistic to protest all plastic products.

I'll grant that plastic is a problem, but you really do need to find a feasible alternative before you complain about it's use.

On the other hand, there is some justification for not telling kids that Shell is good.

Subtle advertising like that really is effective.

Particularly when it's applied to kids.

If we compare the oil that's used to manufacture Legos with the oil that goes into our gas tanks, Lego isn't the real problem. Additionally, even if Lego did use more oil, it's not burning it and turning it into CO2.

I think I have to agree with Greenpeace on this one.

Greenpeace are nothing but a bunch of Eco-terrorists. The Russians should've continued with their prosecution for Piracy and shot the whole damned lot of 'em.

They do more harm to the Environmental cause than Hamas do to the Israeli - Palestinian peace process!!


Here is the video that apparently will be placed on the Greenpeace website. The link is to an advertising trade-media site where the viewpoint is only about advertising industry news and reviews of advertising. It does not comment on the politics.

Clearly the effort is to convince Leggo customers and fans to lobby Leggo to end its partnership with Shell. It is not calling for a boycott of Leggo. Rather it is tying in with what customers love about Leggo and trying to show that the partnership with Shell does not belong.

It's not ironic, it is moronic. I've never understood the position of liberals on the whole CO2 scare, hell they should be protesting the existance of Lego period and all companies that produce or provide a service that is nonessential. For **** sake CO2 is causing so many problems yet those who believe can't put down the crack pipe.

Lillylion makes a good point, too bad irony is wasted on the ignorant, you do need to have a "viable" alternative first. Scary how openly he is willing to support indoctrinating children though.

Greenpeace is a billion dollar corporation. It's a tool for corporations to fight each other and to influence government policy (and that's unelected, non-representative influence).

I will support any political candidate that properly applies our laws to groups like Greenpeace in my country (e.g. charitable status laws or foreign funding rules), or better yet, improves those laws.

Greenpeace uses fossil fuels. What do their campaign ships run on?

Fuel oil or diesel. Their little rubber dingies with outboard motors (which are non-catalysed!). Petrol.

Hmm, where does they all come from?

Greenpeace have evolved into environmental nutcases, they were at one time a useful sensible group, but now they are anti human, anti anything man made.

Look at the ClimateGate e-mails and you see that Shell was a big funder of the climate scientists. They were quite eager to get that money.

If you havent seen this already basically greenpeace is calling parents to boycott the lego brand because they are partnering with Shell and using the shell brand in some of their toys. The first thing I thought when i saw this was "wait a sec..legos are made from petroleum products". I went to greenpeace's website and found nothing pertaining to this..the only reason they're upset is because an oil company is being advertised through lego, even though the toys themselves are produced from fossil fuels. Am i really the only one that sees the irony and complete stupidity in this? I mean shouldn't they atleast be protesting lego because of how they're manufactured? But then again most plastics are made from petroleum byproducts anyway

they saw the lego movie enough said

Green Peace pretty much protests against anything, but they are also totally irrelevant.

Just follow the extortion. This always explains things.

I completely agree with you and, on this occasion, Greenpeace.

I think so. If the toy will harm the kids, they can protest against Lego.


Didn't know that