> Get funding for climate change programs and then what?

Get funding for climate change programs and then what?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Obviously, it is just another wealth distribution scheme that the left continually inflict on us. This time climate change is the excuse. It will be starving children or something else next time, not that they actually ever do feed children. Their schemes never work, are always full of corruption (I wanted to say it was full of something else), and it always costs 10 times more than they say. Giving money to tin-horned dictators isn't going to cool the planet and why should the US give China one cent. They are already financing much of Obama's dept already and they are competing with us in building goods. Giving them money to upgrade their infrastructure is the typical moronic crap that we have grown to expect from those who love the UN.

NO= get funding to lower all the oceans back to 1977 ocean levels, since MAN MADE CLIMATE change destroys all life. Mike / Global Command

I'll give you a joke answer and a serious answer.

Joke answer. When you apply for funding, will you give me a ride in your Ferrari, or your jet or your yaght.?

Serious answer.

Changing the world's economies to new energy sources will not be cheap. There might not be that many billionaires, but their will be millions of pieces of new equipment and millions of workers earning $20 per hour. That won't be cheep, but it will cost the rest of us only a few dollars per day.

And people doing each of these things do not do the rest of the things, although clean energy will be useful for all of those.

What the UN always does, make a huge bureaucracy, slap each other on the back, tell the world what a wonderful job they are doing and enjoy their huge salaries and benefits

"Visualize what it might be like to have grownup discussions here."

Some people seem to think that "100bn (£64bn) per year " is pocket money.

I should point out that this category is about "Global Warming". This has several aspects including: causes, affects and policies for mitigation and avoidance.


It is really pathetic that this category is consumed with idiotic questions from stupid or paid deniers.

Visualize what it might be like to have grownup discussions here.

I don't know, but it is the same list of broad action items you hear at every coporate and business meeting.

there are many projects done by many authorities

As per the article: "In 2009, more than 100 countries agreed that $100bn (£64bn) per year would be needed by 2020."

The article explores what countries would need to do to apply for and get some of that (UN) climate funding. The following is a list of five key actions:

1. Leadership

2. Establish a 'government-aligned' strategy

3. Create an inter-governmental co-ordinating body

4. Engage with stakeholders

5. Ring-fence funding with strong, transparent governance

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2013/sep/23/securing-climate-change-funding

Please read the article and explain to me what is being accomplished here. They are not building bridges or setting up affordable housing or expanding crop production or improving medical treatment. So what is actually being accomplished?