> Find articles about global warming is man made?

Find articles about global warming is man made?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

There are literally thousands of such articles, some of them are quite basic and others are very technical.

What sort of articles are you looking for and how detailed do you want them to be? Do you want long articles, or short ones?

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Thanks for the added details, it’s now clearer what you need.

Some General Guidelines


I’d advise that in researching your arguments that you only ever reference scientific or academic journals and publications. Such works do not get published until they’ve been independently scrutinised at least three times over.

There are a lot of amateurs, journalists, bloggers, politicians etc talking about global warming and often they’re very wrong; the primary concern is often to push an opinion onto others, truth and integrity are sidelined in favour of deceit and propaganda.

Sources Accepting Global Warming


There are many of these, you shouldn’t have difficulty finding them. Every scientific body in the world accepts that global warming is happening so you can visit any of their websites. In the US the organisation that brings all sciences together is the National Academy of Sciences, in the UK it’s the Royal Society.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change collates climate science from almost every country in the world and advises governments and policymakers about the issue.

Wikipedia has a good page about climate change which includes links to many other resources.

For a less technical approach, NASA is a good place to start. They cover the subject without getting technical.

NAS: http://nas-sites.org/americasclimatechoi...

RS: https://royalsociety.org/policy/climate-...

IPCC: http://www.ipcc.ch/

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_cha...

NASA: http://climate.nasa.gov/

Sources Questioning Global Warming


This is where it gets harder as there are very few sources of reliable information. Until 2006 the fossil fuel industry spearheaded a campaign to discredit the science of global warming (they’ve largely admitted to this, apologised and no longer engage in this practice).

Although there is little new propaganda, it does mean is that a lot of false information is circulating on the internet and it can sometimes be hard to separate fact from fiction; especially as some of the sources masqueraded as science based organisations.

Approximately 90% of all authors of ‘scientific’ papers that opposed the theory of global warming were paid by Exxon via more than 30 questionable organisations. Finding the scientists that weren’t part of the propaganda campaign can be awkward.

Dr Roy Spencer is one of very few climate scientists who questions our understanding of climate change. He is highly qualified and as far as I’m aware has no connections at all to the fossil fuel industry. He presents a detailed but easy to understand guide to climate change skepticism.

The Global Warming Policy Foundation is based in the UK, it does tend to be somewhat biased but at the same time strives to be reasonably accurate.

Wikipedia also has a page about climate change skepticism, and again there are various links to follow.

Warren Mayer maintains his personal website called Climate Skeptic, in which he argues that climate change isn’t manmade.

I’ve also included a link to the most popular resource for the Skeptics, this is Anthony Watts blog Watts Up With That. Unfortunately it’s extremely unreliable and very much anti-science, but it probably highlights more of the skeptics arguments than any other site and is presented in an easy to follow format.

Dr Spencer: http://www.drroyspencer.com/my-global-wa...

GWPF: http://www.thegwpf.org/

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warm...

Climate Skeptic: http://www.climate-skeptic.com/

WUWT: http://wattsupwiththat.com/

Arguments Favouring Global Warming


? Greenhouse gases trap heat within the atmosphere, it’s a consequence of the laws of physics. In the last 100 years humans have emitted so much of these gases that there’s now more of them in the atmosphere than at any time for at least 25 million years. Inevitably more heat will be trapped.

? Every one of the hottest years on record has occurred recently (global records data from 1850, regional ones from 1653). 2010 was the hottest year ever recorded, 2005 was second and 2014 is on track to be third.

? Ice is sensitive to changes in global temperatures, it is perhaps the best visible indicator to a changing climate. Globally the amount of ice on the planet is reducing each year. The best part of a trillion tonnes of ice is lost each year. Half the glaciers outside the Polar regions have melted, more than 95% of the remaining ones are melting. The Arctic is rapidly disappearing, in summer there used to be more than 10 million km2 of ice, in recent years it’s fallen to less than 4 million km2.

? Plants and animals are not influenced by politics or science, they are neutral arbiters on climate change. Today we see many species moving into new territories that were once too cold for them, migration patterns have changed in line with the changing climate, temperature sensitive diseases and disease vectors now thrive in areas where they were hitherto unknown.

? Weather has become disrupted on a global scale. Every one of the worst heatwaves on record has occurred recently, there has been a global six-fold increase in the number of flood events. Snowfall has decreased whilst rainfall has increased. Wind patterns are disrupted, the jet streams are erratic and in some places weather systems have gone into a complete reversal causing weather events that have never before been experienced.

Arguments Opposing Global Warming


? The climate has always changed in the past, long before humans began emitting greenhouse gases. Historically there have been times when temperatures have been considerably higher or lower than they are now. These changes have happened without any influence from greenhouse gas concentrations and therefore our emissions must have a minimal effect on the climates.

? Climates are extremely complicated, they change over hundreds, thousands, millions of years. We only have accurate records going back a little over 100 years. In the larger scheme of things this just isn’t enough to determine if the climate is currently behaving in an unusual manner.

? For all intents and purposes, all heat energy within Earth’s climatic systems comes from the Sun. The Sun goes through various cycles and phases that affect how much heat energy is emitted. During active phases there’s more heat and as a result the Earth warms up. This happened most noticeable about 1,000 years ago and led to what is known as the Medieval Warm Period.

? We don’t understand enough about climate science to say what’s going on. One area for example that we know little about is cloud dynamics. Clouds aren’t simply formed by evapourating water, many other factors are involved, some of which relate to the atmosphere of Earth and some come from space itself. There could be external or unknown factors that influence how much cloud-cover there is and this will influence how much heat energy we receive from the Sun. Global warming could therefore be caused by events beyond Earth over which we have no control.

? We don’t even know how temperatures will respond to changes in levels of greenhouse gases. Whilst we can measure this in a laboratory where everything is carefully controlled, in the atmosphere there are many things happening that influence this relationship. Whilst it’s accepted that an increase in greenhouse gas levels will cause temperatures to rise, no-one can specifically state by how much, and it may be that the climate is less sensitive to greenhouse gas fluctuations than is thought to be the case.

Global Warming was an ALIEN Organism that we humans shut down in 11/28/2012. Global Command

Global warming is not man made only. It is by both.


"The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) is what its name suggests: an international panel of nongovernment scientists and scholars who have come together to understand the causes and consequences of climate change. Because we are not predisposed to believe climate change is caused by human greenhouse gas emissions, we are able to look at evidence the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ignores. Because we do not work for any governments, we are not biased toward the assumption that greater government activity is necessary."

The cause of global warming is obviously, man-made.

Try looking on an online database such as JStor or something. Those have thousands of articles.


Trevor's answer is as good as is gets.

For a simple start, see wikipedia.

Depending on your reading level, Google Scholar can be a good source for actual scientific articles. But if you're not at at least nearly a college reading level, most of those will go completely over your head. Here are some sources I've pointed people to in the past:







http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (I posted a question asking people to give links to information at varying levels of experience)

Globalwarming is caused due to the gases like co2,so2,co..these all gases are comes from the industiries and from other sources which are made by men themselves...theser harmful gases make hole in ozone layer by which uv rays enter into the earth and cause this..




Use google scholar.

It is not man made and no respectable scientist would write anything that would forward such a crooked agenda.

Hmm shows how fairminded these answers are, they have only given you acess to alarmist/warmers articles, and as happens these days, suppression of contrary evidence and open debate is the norm.