> Environmental conflicts?

Environmental conflicts?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Could someone please tell me of any countries where there is an environmental conflict going on.

thanks in advance.

In UK, there is Balcombe protests over fracking.

According to the International Institute for Sustainable Development, "Environmental factors themselves are rarely, if ever, the sole cause of violence." This seems to me unsurprising. I'm not aware of many things, types of which are distinguished by distinct processes which cause them. Most things and certainly most events, not least conflicts, are influenced by a large number of factors.

I think this is why it is hard to identify specific "environmental conflicts", even though natural resource shortages (Nile region), pollution (UK/Norway) have long been recognised as causes of international dispute.


Wow isn't Maxx helpful..he does this often..you didn't even mention GW and he answered that in his own sweet way anyway.

There are environmental conflicts all over the planet Search:

country name and environmental conflicts for specifics

There are none, that's just another Warmist myth, like all of these.


Get the real story here:

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

india indian stats fight for rive water

Could someone please tell me of any countries where there is an environmental conflict going on.

thanks in advance.