> Doesn't this U. S. Senate report confirm that Billy is right about some things?

Doesn't this U. S. Senate report confirm that Billy is right about some things?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Most of what you get from the left is propaganda. Nearly all their policies are unpopular but they are so dishonest they manipulate polls to try to suggest they have a majority support just like they do with global warming. It isn't even just a matter of a difference of opinion. Clearly the most leftist counties are the richest yet they try to say they represent the poor and middle class. Obama threw trillions at the banks and Wall Street while pretending he was worried about the poor. The poor are much worse off with over 5 years of Obamunism. He promised to heal racism yet he made it worse and purposefully so yet you get his minion worshiping him like he is a rock star. He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia but he fakes a Martin Luther King accent and the Obama groupies swoon in adulation. The gullibility of some people have put that radical ideologue in office and it isn't any coincidence that the same people (e.g Baccheous) are the gullible alarmists.


Bacheous invents quotes. Alarmists are so short of facts and arguments, the only thing they can do is misquote and then argue with themselves. His/her ignorance is simply a demonstration of the failure of public schooling and brainwashing by the leftist media. I know Bacheous doesn't like that his cult is almost exclusively Marxist. He would prefer that it was based on fact but cults are typically short on facts and cultists typically short on the truth.

This is just one more thing linking Global Warming to religion but probably not in the way you think.

In days gone by, the Catholic Church was extremely powerful. Its popes were like kings. The organisation had unbelievable amounts of property wealth and power. They could even influence who became a king.

I am sure that for many of the powerful people in the organisation Christianity was mainly an excuse. There have certainly been some un-Christian popes in the past with hypocrisy playing a part. The clergy claimed to be celibate. This no doubt impressed the hoi polloi but information about the concubines and the illegitimate children was kept under wraps. The occasional murder and Holy War were not unknown, either.

The same is happening now. Big Green has huge amounts of wealth and therefore power. The minions join because they believe in the stated claims of the movement. The rich join to be a member of an exclusive club and to gain even more wealth and power. The system of Indulgences is now employed by the enviros. That is what a carbon credit does for you: It is a sin to emit CO2 but if you pay that makes it OK.

Science plays the part of God. It is something that cannot be challenged by the ordinary person. Of course, science does not speak directly to the people. It has to be interpreted by the officers of the environmental movement. Strangely, this science god dictates that the ordinary person will help to make the elite members of the club become more rich and more powerful.

So in both cases the original idea was to do good but the rich elite infiltrated the movements and used them for their own ends.

Maybe only Billy and I have noticed!

(Actually, I think Patrick Moore has rumbled them, too.)

I’ll give you at least three that shows you are not only a fool but lack any moral compass. These were taken out of petitionproject.org, and are some of the scientists listed by Maxx. They are part of the 31,000 scientists who have signed a document stating that what you assert to is not true. They have put it in writing. It is not even open to conjecture. Notice, I copied and pasted the portion of the alphabetical order that is germane to the issue, so there can be no question.

Professor Patrick Michaels - Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia = Edwin Daryl Michael, PhD, Harvey D. Michael, Patrick J. Michael, PhD, Robert C. Michael, William E. Michael, Wayne Michaelchuck,

Professor Tim Patterson = Robert W. Patterson, Sharon Patterson, Timothy A. Patterson, Wayne R. Patterson, PhD,

Professor Ian Clark - Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa, Arctic paleoclimatologist = Hugh Kidder Clark, PhD, Ian Clark, Ivan L. Clark, J. Donald Clark, James William Clark, James W. Clark, James M Clark, James G. Clark, PhD, James B. Clark, PhD, John Alden Clark, PhD, John B. Clark, John C. Clark, John R.

So Baccy Baby, once again your own words have proven you to be a liar, a scoundrel, a cheat, and one not fit to answer on this site.

I put my whole explanation here to clarify Baccy's misbehavior.

The activists have been placed throughout the EPA and other government agencies to implement their vision. They got Ken Salazar placed as head of the Department of the Interior. This is the same Salazar who as Senator objected to Mitch McConnell's amendment to open up ANWR for drilling if gas prices reach $10 a gallon.

Hmm Man frightens me, someone somewhere is always trying to take absolute control and power, this is an incomplete list of those who tried in modern times. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Sadam Hussain, Idi Amin, Charles Taylor, Augusto Pinochet, Papa Doc. I am sure there are many others.

Is it paranoid to worry about losing our freedom, our democracy, our human rights, I do not think so.

"Conservatives" are passive (as they should be). They don't "jump to conclusions" based on "preponderances". Questioning science is what "climate science" should be doing, but they are being "led" by extreme environmentalist scientists. There's too much that climate science doesn't know, but they always claim that they do know. Pure scientific arrogance!

Was that Dana Knucklehead on your article?

So billionaires affect both sides of the argument.

The issue is first, what is the science? Secondly, what is propaganda?

Actually, there are certain deniers: Billy, Maxx, Zippi62, BB, yourself and others, that are right about virtually NOTHING.

Billy claims that the scientists who publish in the science journals are lizard people from another planet 200 years ago, living on earth as capitalists using climate change as a tool to consolidate more personal wealth and power.

JimZ claims that the scientists who publish in science journals are working to bring about an overthrow by the working class who would thnn forcibly take away the beautiful homes away from the vary scientists who publish studies.

I find either conspiracy a tad hard to believe, but of the two I find Billy's Reptilian capitalists conspiracy more likely than JimZ's Marxist conspiracy.


JimZ repeats his claim that members of the Reagan administration and wealthy college professors are conspiring for the working class to revolt and take away their homes. Thank you for again documenting your kooky beliefs. As hard as it is to for me to believe in Reptilians, it is harder for me to believe as JimZ does that George Schulz along with nearly all of the active science researchers in the world are Marxists. Why he believes that Marxism is so compelling that the study of physics causes one to become Marxist is flat-out kooky. I just can't believe that people who live in the homes that college professors live in are really wanting their gardeners to violently take their wealth from them. Very kooky. But he has claimed that hundreds of times. That is how a science denier thinks.

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day, but what validity does a right wing propaganda site have? None at all

