> Do you think recycling is important? why?

Do you think recycling is important? why?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
famous slogans on recycling

Recycling is important in today’s world if we want to leave this planet for our future generations. It is good for the environment, since we are making new products from the old products which are of no use to us. Recycling begins at home. If you are not throwing away any of your old product and instead utilizing it for something new then you are actually recycling. When you think of recycling you should really think about the whole idea; reduce, reuse and recycle. We’ve been careless up to this point with the way we’ve treated the Earth and it’s time to change; not just the way we do things but the way we think

Yes because it reduces the amount of waste in our environment. We don't need to be producing so much new *stuff*. We can reuse what already exists. I believe recycling is the right thing to do because it makes a difference on our planet. Humans need to have an organized system to keep us and the natural environment clean and healthy. Why limit the longevity of everything and everyone?


1-recycling objects can bu reuseful.

2-if recyling things cannot be decomposed then they'llbe very dangerous to our earth which 'll 've a very harmful effect to us

thats the reason.

Yes it's important for our next generation .

yes it's true that recycling is important because it prevent environment pollution not by degreble substances like plastic and cannot be degreded

yeh recycling is the most important one because it is the process of managing the waste and dust particles . By doing this our environment will be neat and clean.

even our soul is recycled.this body does not belong to us.but our soul is immortal.so why not we recycle the waste so as to reduce the garbage.

yes recycling is very important because it make clean and pure environment while we do recycling

Does this mean you dont EVEN know why it's important.

I sometimes think where this human race is about to go.

Who cares

famous slogans on recycling

yes of course

yes it`s vary important

definitely important

why waste waste?