> Do you believe so-called "global warming" willed be cured in your lifetime?

Do you believe so-called "global warming" willed be cured in your lifetime?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yup! As soon as they get their one world government and all of our wealth. But if people will wise up and find out it is a scam, that will be the end of GW.

Global warming is big business for the government and their allies. An entire industry has popped up around receiving government subsidies for green energy and programs. The Statists will not willingly give up a cause that justifies them increasing government power. The cure to the problem of global warming is political change not a reduction in CO2

The cure that alarmists are seeking is an end to those evil fossil fuels. After that, they will likely resume focus on nuclear, and hydro. Then maybe biofuels. After that they will probably go after their beloved solar. The cure is a difficult path for alarmists but they are saving the world and nothing, certainly not facts, will get in their way.

Not my lifetime, but in a couple hundred years I think. Like the problem, the fix is very slow compared to the (im)patience of people. It is lightening fast on a geological time scale.

We''ll almost certainly take measures to stabilize the situation when we eventually realize that it's costing too much to let it continue. Sealevel rise won't slow for centuries, so we'll have to invent entirely new port structures based on shorter lifetimes, as well as entire new land-use policies for every country in the world that isn't landlocked or completely drowned.

No. China, India, Indonesia, Africa etc are ramping up the burning of fossil fuels at a rate that makes any improvements that we can make in "the West" totally insignificant.

I hope so. We do know how to cure global warming, by using such clean energy sources as solar, hydro and nuclear power.

There is no "cure". We have no control over the natural climate cycles of the earth.

We know the cure. Not soon

Do you think so-called "global warming" will ever be cured in your lifetime? Will the Earth's Fever be reduced? Or do you believe that so-called "global warming" will always be a problem even if the earth isn't warming anymore?