> Do you agree with global warming scientists who say that snow will be “a very rare and exciting event”?

Do you agree with global warming scientists who say that snow will be “a very rare and exciting event”?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
All global warming scientists accept that we won't have snow in the near future. Do you agree with them, or do you deny the science behind this statement?

Definitely not science. Definitely fiction. When will they learn? Gore said the same thing 6,7, and 8 years ago. This just shows that you put 'scientist' says and he says the earth is going to turn into a piece of toast and they will gobble that up. But if a REAL and TRUE scientist will say something against their agenda they will discredit that person in any way possible, scrupulous or unscrupulous, it doesn't matter, they have their agenda first. Even when Mother nature shows them wrongheaded they still will cling to their lies and Gore.


All of the "science" behind global warming is based on computer modelling and you can make a computer model what you want, or more charitably, if you make assumptions in your modelling, which is all you can do, and project those assumptions forward, the computer will model your assumptions, even if they are wrong.

The fact is that computer modelling predicts an average increase in temperature, all caused by man by the way, of 5 degrees by 2100. The current actual trend will show an increase of 0.3 degrees, if it continues, and that is a big IF.

We are told that the oceans are rising, by 2mm a year. Well, that is about 8 inches in a century! Nobody will be drowned by that.

Weather is a very long range subject, you can't recognise trends over a decade, even a century is a bit short and really you need to look at about 1000 years to see what happens.

Peaks and troughs in snowfall, drought, storms etc are a natural cycle, not least because our orbit around the sun is not constant, we move closer, then further away, over long periods.

Carbon Dioxide is not bad, it is good, it makes plants grow better, reduces the size of deserts, increases the food supply and indeed the oxygen available in air.

Compared to the time when dinosaurs strode the Earth, we are very deficient in Carbon Dioxide, one reason we don't grow to the size of dinosaurs. In that climate they hung around for 160m Million years. We have not been here for 5 million yet!

Relax folks, the sky is not going to fall tomorrow!

Climate scientists are making no such claims. By suggesting this, you are trying to exaggerate the other sides position to set up a "straw man".

Climate scientists are not projecting that snow and ice will be rare and exciting in most areas that experience them now. They're talking about actually relatively small changes in average temperature over long periods of time, and things like rising ocean temperatures.

No one is projecting an end to the seasonality temperate climates exist, and winter weather events. They're talking about changes of a few degrees of average temperature. Slightly later shifts to fall and winter temps, slightly earlier springs. Things the average person would be unlikely to even notice year-to-year.

And of course, overlaid on top of this is the day-to-day, and even year-to-year variation which is weather. A cold day doesn't prove or disprove climate change, any more than a warm day does.

By setting up a straw man argument you merely belie your lack of understanding of what climate change really is, and make a caricature of yourself.

I agree. Snow has had a long go but all things must come to an end. Snow has no business being here any more and I will be fighting it the best I can by driving my 350 block pickup truck allover Americas heartland.

Everytime a person defends global warming on this forum they are consuming unnecessary energy thus effecting our climate. The irony and vicious circles we put our selves in is nothing short of breathtaking.

It is interesting how short the memories of alarmists are. When things don't go as they predicted, a very short memory is a convenient thing to have and they possess it in spades. I certainly remember the almost crying nostalgia that certain alarmists scientists had that they may never see snow again but then again I have no reason not to remember those idiotic and laughably wrong predictions.


Care to back up that claim?

I realize you must be very busy now that you are checking all that raw temperature data, but could you please provide a link (preferably to a reputable source) where it says that 'all global warming scientists say that snow will be a very rare and exciting event"?

Maybe in a billion years, but not near future. I deny the science behind the statement. Average snow fall has not decreased the last 14 years, but it might decrease slightly the coming year.

By the time that happens, millions of square miles of land will be under water. When temperatures are rarely below 0C, that will include Greenland and Antarctica, at least during the Summer.

I am sceptical about your statement.

Not only does global warming result in a higher AVERAGE temperature, it also results in MORE EXTREME EVENTS. So we would expect to see not only more floods and more droughts, but also more snowfalls. We might expect shorter winters but more chance of unexpected snowfalls at other times of the year.

It may be a very long time before the average temperature is high enough that temperature deviations rarely take temperatures below 0C.

"All global warming scientists accept that we won't have snow in the near future."

We all know , including you , that this is totally untrue.

Another one of your facta ex rectum

All global warming scientists accept that we won't have snow in the near future. Do you agree with them, or do you deny the science behind this statement?

I deny YOUR statement. What's your source?

While the overall trend is warming, near-term changes in local and regional climates will be heavily influenced by changes in the jet stream and ocean currents. Some regions may get more rain and snow, while others experience drought.

That aint gonna happen in near future though.

yes and the proof is right here in the once good ol USA, with last year seeing zip zero nada snow anywhere, and this year is starting off just the same

HELL NO! Science? What science? This is pseudo-science cooked up by bobbleheads hungry for research grants. If govts. & corporations want them to say increased CO2 causes global warming or climate change, they'll creatively extrapolate their data to order. It's a fokken joke!

No, I don't agree with them. Even they do not believe it. They merely say it to scare people.