> Do seal use icebergs?

Do seal use icebergs?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They are getting desperate. Their answers are getting more vicious and often are just name calling and no answer to the qquestion. (Which is against community rules.) But they get away with it.

Seals use ice whether it is in the berg form or just a clump on a land mass. They really are not particular. But some 'expert' apparently was napping when they went by the bergs and now he knows everything.

Reagan said, "It is'nt that they don't know anything. It is that so much of what they do know is wrong."

Well Ronnie didn't know about greenies. They really don't know much.

No in this case Antarcticice is right, penguins and seals use sea ice, not icebergs and they don't need either, they can and do live in places that have no ice at all.

Yes you are right about Antarctica having seals, seals live in both the Arctic and the antarctic, but penguins only live in the southern hemisphere, and polar bears only the northern hemisphere.

An ice-berg and an ice shelf or ice floe are not the same. That pretty much sums up the entire issue here.

But rather then admit your mistake and learn something from someone with (extensive) knowledge of (Antarctic) ice, to you anyone with a different opinion than yours is obviously wrong, an idiot and very likely a socialist loving leftie.

It was pointed out you are confusing ice bergs with sea ice. That photo is a polar bear on sea ice. Go back and carefully read what Antarctice wrote about the difference between sea ice and an ice berg that calved off a glacier or ice sheet. Please.

Maybe this is semantics, but my guess is that when someone says "ice berg" people think of things that look like this:


which are hard for marine mammals and bears to climb up on. In contrast, when someone says sea ice I think of things that look like this:


Antarcticice clearly thinks the same way because it makes sense. I guess, for you anyway, two people independently coming to the conclusion that 1 1=2 is evidence of conspiracy or group-think. It must just be delightful to sit down and drink a beer with you. It would be like an intellectual fun-house mirror.

p.s. Will Rogers is the originator of that line, not Pres. Droolcup. Not that I think trying to provide information to a climate skeptic would ever result in one of them learning something.


I had an answer chosen as best answer and as usual I saw snide remarks from people who pretend to be experts on things they obviously are clueless about, in this case Antarcticice who has demonstrated a lack of knowledge about a wide range of subjects, not just AGW or antarctica.


Obviously his claimed anecdotal evidence of seeing a few icebergs around Antarctica and never seeing a seal on them means that Polar Bears don't use ice bergs to help catch seals is easily disproved.


Are some alarmists so desperate and so shallow that they are willing to say anything, no matter how stupid and infantile, to try to discredit skeptics?

To make matters worse, it is easily proved that seals also inhabit Antarctic Waters
