> Crazy dude?

Crazy dude?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Call the police and fire department If they can't help you are SOL

call the police and report him

Yaaaa, unfortunately you can only be who you are and obviously you know you have no control over another person...

Well, i guess if you are very physically in shape you can be, but perhaps post a giant colorful sign stating how important nature is to you.

Or draw your words on the side walk in front of this person's house.

Bake them some cookies, and place a message on each one or a burnt piece of paper to symbolize the waste..

You could just be so evilly upset that you find some gruesome picture on the internet, blow it up, and place it on their' shard to show the pain you feel and how valid it is!

Good luck, be creative, your thoughts COUNT!

Sorry pall, I am going camping this weekend and will burn some wood and propane in the forest to cook my food... =D

What do you think would happen to the material if not burnt, it will probably decompose and give off methane or CO2 anyway.

Some crazy person is burning something in my neighbourhood.. how do I make that person stop? I just wish those stu*** people will stop burning stuff and spoil our wonderful home, earth.