> Considering that ocean warming never slowed down, what do deniers say to explain the continued ocean heating?

Considering that ocean warming never slowed down, what do deniers say to explain the continued ocean heating?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"Look over there! It's an unusually low temperature in one specific location! That proves that the Earth is cooling!"

In other words... they do their very best to ignore the issue, for the most part.

Sagebrush, "Ocean temperature is a new kid on the block."

Kano, "How many years is it we have been measuring ocean heat content, not that long".

59 years, according to the link.

Zippi62, "They don't know for sure."

You keep confusing what you don't know, with what scientists do know.

graphicconception, "What happens under 2,000m?"

One would expect less change at greater depths.

Jello, "What will be the 'Theory du Jour' next week? "

The earth is warming.

paul, "You are aware that there are perhaps some 3 million+ undersea volcanoes"

And there's nothing to show that they are more, or less, active than they've been in the past.

"much we do not know about ..."

You too confuse what you don't know, with what scientists do know.

Harley Drive, "the last global warming conference agreed there has been zero warming since 1998"

You, and the other deniers, need to read something other than WUWT.

Well I don't think they need to explain that--that would be changing the rules a bit. Since we live at the Earth's surface, if the abyss warms but the surface stops warming, it is less of a worry. However, if the surface starts rapidly warming again, that would be a problem. It does show that the planet as a whole continues to warm, but that's almost inevitable when you dump more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Even if the surface doesn't warm, we still need to worry about the decreasing pH of the ocean.

Oceans began to warming 300 years ago in all likelihood after the end of the LIA. Most of the sea level rise was from the ocean warming. It wasn't anything new until alarmists needed excuses for their failed predictions.

Because it has so much mass, the ocean warming is hard to measure and happens over decades and hundreds of years. Personally, I am extremely skeptical that there is anything new here. It is probably just a continuation of the past trend IMO.

How many years is it we have been measuring ocean heat content, not that long, and considering we have ocean cycles that can last 60yrs we have no idea if this is part of a normal cycle or not.

We know the PDO puts heat into the ocean and cools the atmosphere while doing it, but in it's positive phase the opposite happens it takes heat out of the ocean and heats the atmosphere, so there is no way to pin this heat on climate change, not for a long time anyway, we probably need a century or longer of measurements before we understand whats going on.


We have had 3000 argo buoys measuring since 2007, hmm 3000 buoys to cover 70% of Earths surface


If ocean heat was caused by CO2 wouldn't we expect a general rise of all the oceans, if so how do you explains this

Remind me, exactly how much has the average temperature of the ocean changed over that period?

Do you think we can measure to that accuracy?

What is the coverage of the ocean temperaure measurements?

Is your graph based on the Trenberth at al system of estimating ocean heat where they use a model as well as actual readings?

What did the ocean do before man-made CO2?

Did you manage to explain the mechanism that converts increased CO2 into higher ocean temperatures yet? The consensus says that it heats the air not the ocean.

How have you shown that it is not the sun - or anything else for that matter?


The average depth of the oceans is 4,000m with a maximum of nearly 11,000m. What happens under 2,000m?

The figures in the graph are anomalies. What does it look like as a percentage change?

Be as gullible as you like but there is still lots to be sceptical about and many questions to be answered.

They don't know for sure. They say the heat is going deeper (below 700 m), but there is nothing conclusive.


" ... Scientists have blamed the oceans for the global warming pause before, but they pointed their fingers at the Pacific, not the Atlantic. However, in seeking to test this idea with temperature data, oceanographer Xianyao Chen, of the Ocean University of China in Qingdao, and Tung, an atmospheric scientist, said they couldn't find the missing heat in Pacific Ocean temperature measurements. ... "

They still don't really know much, but they are gradually figuring it out. Many more years of research is needed. CO2 levels aren't as bad as they have been portrayed.

It's OK to be skeptical. Skeptics keep finding more and more wrong with Arrhenius' 5C hypothesis. Looks like skeptics have also been right about Al Gore and the "Alarmist" community all along.

Just read Hey Dook's answer and you can read right thru his winey sarcasm.

Denialists love to claim that the warming ocean is something that realists made up.

Paul H

Suppose that number is supported by evidence. You are aware that climatologists know that, right?

Ocean temperature is a new kid on the block. As of yet there has been no established accurate method of temperature taking and recording. Too many people want to jump the gun to prove this crooked agenda. Once it has been established that the heat budget of the oceans isn't the cause for the missing heat, then as history shows, the greenies will come up with something else.

They don't explain anything the simply continue denying in the belief that if they repeat a lie often enough it makes it true that the extent of their logic

You are aware that there are perhaps some 3 million+ undersea volcanoes around the world, right? And estimates of perhaps 4 percent of them are active along with black smokers, etc..That's roughly 140,000 active undersea volcanoes. It's far more likely that oceanic temps /fluctuations are ruled by heat generated from volcanism...or the lack of it... rather than absorption from the atmosphere.

"Oceanographers Hillier and Watts (2007) surveyed 201,055 submarine volcanoes," O'Sullivan continues. "From this they concluded an astounding total of 3,477,403 submarine volcanoes must reasonably exist worldwide. They based this finding on the earlier and well-respected observations of Earth and Planetary Sciences specialist, Batiza (1982) who found that at least 4 per cent of seamounts are active volcanoes."

3,477,403 underwater volcanoes! And we wonder what has

been heating our seas? I've been hammering on this for years.

Alarmist scientists have tried to downplay the role of volcanoes in adding to the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, says O'Sullivan, but the logical conclusion "is that atmospheric carbon dioxide can not be the cause of oceanic acidification as we once thought."


Many more articles and links to undersea volcanoes discovered....much we do not know about them and their effects on oceanic temps, acidity, CO2 released/atmospheric levels, etc...


"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. "

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."

-Mark Twain

Clearly the ocean -- 70% of the earth's surface -- has continued to heat, pretty steadily, particularly compared to the variability of land and atmospheric measurements. How do deniers address that ocean warming, and square it with their "it's not warming" mantra?


There is no man made global warming. There is no natural extra warming of the planet. Lately the ice at the north pole has receded. Meanwhile the ice at the south pole has increased. Both events have been attributed to global warming. It is summer in the north and winter in the south...it happens every year.

Water temperatures are constantly in flux. El Nino and La Nina are ocean events that are still not understood. Until scientists can measure every square mile of ocean surface, every hour, science cannot adequately conclude anything.

It is only warming rapidly from 0-2000m where the data is very suspect. How much warming do you see from 0-700m since 1998?

Interesting - This is a new one. Just a few days ago you were saying that so-called "global warming" didn't stall, that the planet was still warming. Now this week you're saying that global warming plateaued and that the oceans are warming. What will be the 'Theory du Jour' next week?

this is the funniest question yet, the oceans are warming, what a croc, so tell me what temp were they 123 years ago

You too confuse what you don't know, with what scientists do know.

The Greenie Meanie Alarmunist Warmers hid the decline by fudging the numbers, because Al Gore's Masseuse's beach mansion proves that the ocean is a hoax, a 0.02% increase could never hurt a flea, polar bear populations are on the rise, and we don't really know what climate is anyway, except that anything Wattsup says is the gospel truth, and that is why the Federal Reserve Club of Foreign Relation Freemason Protocol Babylonians is using carbon taxes to sap and impurify our bodily fluids. through socialist flouridation.

Very interesting answers here

How do the global warmers explain the expanding Antarctic ice?


Kano shows how: claim a 60 yr cycle then show a graph with 10 years.

Then claim there is not enough data

Next will be mythical undersea volcanoes and unicorns

the last global warming conference agreed there has been zero warming since 1998