> Climate change can Hey Dook come up with some real science?

Climate change can Hey Dook come up with some real science?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
w and again, instead of the normal copy/paste concensus and appeals to authority.

Ranting is all he has. I think the more he sees questions from skeptics that reveal the true state of the science, he gets angry and wants to push them further down the list.

Nope, probably not. What's more there is so much bandwagon phemena...including the truly sad current "Days of Living Dangerously," which features good actors, good production values...and very misleading information...just like ole Al Gore's picture.

Wow, really, you want to talk about cut & paste answers why not maxx, many of his answers are the exact same answer with the same two links to you-tube videos.

As for "real science" coming from you that is truly funny, given the links you usually use to denier blogs.

I'm sorry but no matter how you look at it this question is comical.

You are accusing someone of copying and pasting That is the pot calling the kettle black and what would you know about science with all the BS denier blogs you link to?

The worst thing is that nobody believes them

now and again, instead of the normal copy/paste concensus and appeals to authority.