> Climate change. Have western developed countries painted themselves into a corner?

Climate change. Have western developed countries painted themselves into a corner?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes, the alarmists have painted themselves into a corner. They are insisting that all bad weather is caused by global warming. So now the other countries are saying pay us for it. If the other countries walk, there is no agreement that can be reached. If the alarmists say it is a bad argument they look like fools or liars.

I don't understand why developed countries should pay for damage caused bt climate change. We didn't have anything to do with it. By your logic you should pay for my new car, because.... Well I don't know. But you just should. Humans anywhere may have made a few percentage points difference, IF THAT, in climate change. The earth has been going through climate change cycles 100's of millions of years before we were even a thought.

If I lived up-slope from you, and I dumped oil on the ground when I changed the oil in my car, and it was running down-slope and killing the flowers in your garden, would you have a right to demand compensation from me?

What we do affects others. If it is harming others, they have a reasonable right to demand some compensation for that harm.

Let Obama take it out of his wallet. I am guessing he isn't as generous with his own money as he is with other people's money. The scary thing is I don't think the collectivists in the current administration have any problem with redistribution of wealth. It is kind of their thing.

Obama has painted himself and the rest of the dems in the corner with lots of things from Obamacare, promising Iran wouldn't get nukes, propping up the economic house of cards by printing money, etc.

yes painted with water colour?

At the Warsaw talks, developing countries are insisting that developed countries pay for damage caused by extreme weather caused by climate change, which could cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and as President Obama declared in his 2013 State of the Union Address that “Heat waves, droughts, wildfires, floods – all are now more frequent and more intense.

They will have a problem denying climate change cause extreme weather.