> Carbon taxes will not destroy the world until at least 2018, but how much longer will Yahoo Answers last?

Carbon taxes will not destroy the world until at least 2018, but how much longer will Yahoo Answers last?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Much like network TV, advertising revenue supports answers.

Which explains the difficulty getting deleted posts restored.

The folks who do that likely have to resolve each complaint about an inappropriately deleted post in 10 seconds or less.

If I had to guess, y/a is intended to be close to a 'break even' operation.

You make a couple of errors. The one true guage is 7mm therefore the crystal ball has some translational errors. Also, the Klingons are controlled by no one.

That aside, your question makes perfect sense.

I think YA is unlikely to survive the decade and will certainly be outlived by summer sea ice in the Arctic, which will hang on for a further decade or so.

Carbon taxes won't destroy the world. It is the conspiracy between Al Gore, Maxx, Rothchild's candy, the Illuminati and the moon based reptilians that will destroy the world.


Or, so they say.

The Globalist Illuminati wants to pass the UN Agenda 21 using the fake enviornmental crises. Agenda 21 is the recycled in renamed version of the communist manifesto. read here http://endalltyranny.wordpress.com/2013/...

Well, it won't be by the Illuminati or Bohemian Grove, anyway.

My crystal ball (Billy gave it to me before he became Jose), using a holographic fourth dimension HO gauge MODEL, confidently predicts (with a 95% to the Hamilton mutiplier 3rd power confidence interval) that the world will not end in 2017 when Hillary establishes the Queendom of Wicca and builds mosques and gay marriage centers across middle America. After then, who knows?

But will Yahoo Answers still be around then anyway?

What you (probably -never mind the confidence- won't, but might) ask, does this have to do with global warming?


Take out your nearest available credit card (expired, blocked, stolen, makes no difference).

LOOK at the LOGO !!

Take a deep breath and TURN it U.P.S.I.D.E. D.O.W.N.

Feel the power of Isis, the Free Masonry Bohemian Grove and the Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Now comes the tricky part, but try to say awake and follow. Remember this is the future of the world we are "talking" about.

The Vogons control the Klingons who control the Illuminati who created the Reptilians who masterminded the Light of Light, the Very God of Very God, the House That Jack Built and the Hollow Moon. There, in that lunar matrix spacecraft, the Babylonian Brotherhood was established, and they control the Protocol Elder House of Red Shield and the House of Black Carbon Tax Greeenies, and the House at Pooh Corner, and the Club of Foreign Relatives which secretly runs the Federal Reserve, whose seeing-eyes control every credit card, through its logo, including the one you JUST PULLED OUT !!!

Do you start to sense how subtle the alarmunist global warming plot is?

And how vital is the future of Yahoo Answers?

Because if Yahoo shuts down Answers, HOW will Prophet Billy Jose be able to warn us of what the Illuminati are up too? The world could be destroyed for a interstellar freeway by-pass and we would not even get a royal 10 minute warning!

Here are some key issues:

Does Answers make any money for Yahoo?

Did it ever make any money?

Has the content and intelligence level of YA been on the uptick lately?

Does Yahoo make any appreciable amount of money of YA "community" members?

Does Yahoo make an appreciable amount of money at all, outside of Asia!

I will open this up to multi-layer literacy and illumination.

Follow the rules. No chatting. HA! HA!