> Can if survive on Earth if there is no ice?

Can if survive on Earth if there is no ice?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If Earth has no ice caps, glaciers or even snow can life survive? I realize the climate would need to heat up.

When I lived in South Dakota, ice meant all plants and animals went into a hibernation or barely manage to survive the winters. Ice is not particularly conducive to life. Water is generally much better. I am not favoring the melting of ice by humans but it certainly won't kill us. It would have some benefits but it would also have some costs.

"No ice" would require way more heat and time than we are talking about with AGW. The sea may rise a couple feet or maybe not based on our CO2 emissions. I don't believe shrill predictions from people with an agenda and lack of science knowledge.

We certainly can survive as previous times in the history of Earth, there was little to no ice. During those periods of time life on Earth did rather well. This, however, is not an issue as we will not likely ever see the global temps high enough to melt all ice.

Absolutely, life could survive on Earth if there were no ice. That does not mean that you would want your home to be less than 70 metres above sea level if it did melt.

Life also survived the fall of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages, the plague, the Spanish Inquisition and every war, hurricane, tornado and earth quake in history.

And to throw some people who think that cold is bad, a bone, humans also survived the Little Ice Age. And the last ice age before the current interglacial.

Yes and very well. Study the Eocene epoch 50 million years ago when there were no polar ice caps and antarctica was a lush densely populated rain forest.

all human life will die and ram this for the sun kill everyone buy heating them up and they died of heat stroke the sun is leading the way in destruction the sun is melting ice soon there will be no where to plant grass or vegetation everything will die

Hey there, maybe I can help. If Earth had no ice it could be easy for animals the survive, but having no ice isn't the issue. It's loss of ice.

If we just had no ice it'd be a much better situation than if we were losing ice, currently several ecosystems across the globe have very intricate and fragile aspects to them that rely on certain variables remaining mostly the same, loss of ice disrupts these ecosystems.

If we were to start losing ice, not only would that be (a result) of it getting warmer, but it would also raise the sea level. Warmer temperatures, higher sea levels and the resulting weather these two things cause makes it very difficult for most established life, and as ecosystems become affected by it and parts start to break down, those failures then begin affecting more and more ecosystems.

Would humans survive? Probably. We're a tough little species, but most ecosystems across the globe would collapse entirely and it certainly wouldn't be a fun time. The main problems would be what resulted in the loss of snow and ice though in this hypothetical, the actual loss of it would cause problems, but not the same severity.

it wont be possible to survive at all.

Humans shouldnt worry tho, dinosaurs dissapeared, we will too.

I think it is not possible to survive because snow melt so fast

If Earth has no ice caps, glaciers or even snow can life survive? I realize the climate would need to heat up.