> Are farm animals an environmental problem that needs attention?

Are farm animals an environmental problem that needs attention?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Definitely, especially the way they are bred (fed) and how far the meat has to transported are crucial to the effect they have on the climate change. To give you some examples: I myself live in Belgium (this is relevant because of the transportation involved). If I eat 1 kg of beef from an Argentinean cow, I am indirectly responsible for the emission of about 58 tons of CO2. This is due to transportation, as wel as the way in which cows are bred (esp. fed!) there. For 1 kg of Irish beef, this emission allready drops to 19 tons of CO2, and for 1 kg of beef from the Netherlands, the emission drops to 16 tons of CO2. However, if I choos to consume beef from a local farmer, who chooses to feed his cows by just letting them graze, the emission of CO2 for 1 kg of beef is only about 0.1 tons of CO2.

Destruction of Agricultural Products.

I should imagine that their own gratifications upon the efforts and toils of their endurances to thrive, up to their time of harvest, matters greatly to they, their meat, and the farmer who negotiates fair market value as a personal fortune than lends to his gratuities of affording such emotive consideration for his fellow beasts, the lot of which the American native endearingly could only refer to as 'people'. Sorry for the long sentence.

Only if one considers that the farmland might have once been natural woodland.

Animals themselves are not a problem, man has probably killed off more animals (millions of bison) than he raises on farms.

The amount of methane caused by farm animals is a drop in the ocean, compared to others sources like marshes swamps and wetland.

Only to left-wing environmentalist wacko fruitcakes.

Somebody has to pay attention to it but not me. I already have to deal with more BS than I can handle.

yes the millions of cows are much worse than the millions of buffalo that roamed