> Antarctic investigation?

Antarctic investigation?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
1 It has unique skiing and bobsleigh opportunities.

2 excessive tourism, leading to drunken and obscene behaviour amongst younger folk who fill the night clubs there.

3 A tourist police force able to lock up drunks and give fines for soft drug possession.

4 Very poor, a UN peace keeping force is needed urgently there.

HEADLINE : Come and lie the snow, and smoke some serious blow.

Rose you see a lot of ignoramuse's answers. Each of those answers goes contrary to Y!A guidelines, but these fellows routinely get away with it because Yahoo plays favorites.

1.) Probably because it is remote, uninhabitable and cold.

2.) It takes a lot of energy to support man down there. This upsets the natural balance of nature. Example.


3.) In no way is it self sustaining and never will be. However the current conditions are minimally invasive and should cause no permanent harm.

4.) I would say the uninhabitable conditions probably do more at saving than Antarctic in its present form. But as for now pretty much is cooperating.


Here is an article you might find interesting on this subject.


If we gain true knowledge, the slight man made deterioration might be beneficial.

"3 how can this activity be sustainably managed?"


WOW - and the newspaper is happy if you just ask strangers on the internet to do your research so you can sit on your fat lazy ***?

Have you ever considered writing about something that you are informed about already?

Are you aspiring for a job at FoxNews?

Have you heard of the term "academic integrity?" It means you need to do your own homework. You should check it out sometime....

It is your responsibility to do your own homework, not ours. If you apply yourself, you will have some answers, not just a list of questions.


well we have to write a newspaper article and i just need some info for these q's:

1 why is the antarctic a unique environment?

2 what human activites are causing problems in antartica? Choose 1 or 2 a give reasons explained.

3 how can this activity be sustainably managed?

4 how effective is the antarctic treaty at managing this problem?

Can you also give me a catchy and clear headline

thnxs x