> Who are the bullies of the environmental movement? True scientists or Greenies?

Who are the bullies of the environmental movement? True scientists or Greenies?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

This article shows that one greenie wants people jailed if they don't submit to the hoax.

Elizabeth - Stop with the "lives lost based on Climate Change Catastrophes" bs! Geez! 7 billion people with 7 billion different ways of thinking and you seem to think life is so monotone and the Planet is and always has been monotone to CO2 fluctuations and anything else. This is not an emotional issue. It's no wonder kids like Hey Dook suck their thumbs with a banky. Emotional issues in Climate Science are irrelevant! Catastrophes are a normal part of life on Earth unfortunately!!!

That's pretty much where the environmentalists stand. It's an emotional issue with them. The "touchy-feely" crowd that controls the media. In a court of any laws, emotional aspects of the issue don't matter. Who was Obama's buddy who was an environmental terrorist? Oh ya! Bill Ayers with Bernadine Dorn (Mr. and Mrs. anti-Big Oil). Unrepentant terrorists! They kill people when they don't get what they want. They are both living in freedom after killing many people. That's the true nature (pun intended) of environmental wackos. It has nothing to do with what is good for everyone. It is only what they want that matters.

antarcticice - The only thing solid in science is that rock you call a "head". The evidence is solid that shows a 1.2 molecules increase in 10,000 of CO2 changes the temperature by 0.7C? Isn't that the whole point of the IP CC? To prove that CO2 is causing the planet to catastrophically warm? Why do they have to write a report on it when they can simply show that CO2 has warmed the planet by X degrees? They can't! It's up to them. Not skeptic or deniers. They haven't done it. Blow smoke up someone else's backside!!!!!

Not one research paper shows that X amount of extra CO2 causes X (< or = 0.7C) amount of warming of the Earth's atmosphere. Not one. If there was one with any credibility to it, all of science would be praising the one who wrote the paper.

Well I understand that he's trying to draw attention to the issue, and obviously has. But I do think the basic argument he's putting forward is correct. If global warming is real, if there are effects as a result, and if those effects can be measured in terms of lives or economic cost, then someone is culpable. That someone will likely be major polluters like the US. I see a future of class action suits against the US and other western governments for a failure to act.

When you have statements by National Academies, and statements by political leaders that they accept climate change, you then leave yourself open to legal action when you did little about it and someone, somewhere gathers sufficient evidence that climate change had a financial impact on their nation.

I take it by "true scientists", you're talking about people like yourself, who apparently never passed a science or math class in their lives?

EDIT: Here's a lie by Sagebrush (although admittedly he spends all his time reading propaganda so he may not know the difference):

"James Hansen is a farce. He at one time programmed climate models to prove an Ice Age."

No. His atmospheric radiation code was borrowed by another scientific group that was looking into the effect of aerosols on climate. They found that increased aerosols caused substantial cooling--Hansen's code was general purpose and was not even a climate model. You might as well blame Microsoft if someone uses MS Word to write a book you disapprove of. This lie of Sagebrush keeps getting repeated over and over again.

You really have to ask yourself why people that deny global warming care so little about telling the truth.

Neither. It's the government leaders that Suzuki is correct in outing. Those ineffective leaders may not have brought on the conditions, but their continual ignoring of them has made them liable for the damage that is being done. They are bullies in that they've acquiesced with big business to allow the continued CO2 emissions, bullying the little people today and ALL the people of the future, with the residual effect of their collusion.

Lobbying groups comprising companies that don't want laws changing and Republicans that take millions off oil companies, who all have vested interests in being able to pollute and consume far too much..

Neither. Bullies are the politicians and lobbyists. And quite a few GW skeptics here on Yahoo Answers.

Suzuki has Catastrophic Global Warming Derangement Syndrome (CGWDS).

He has never heard of GISS, HADcrut, UAH or RSS.

Watch this Q&A:


So, ONE, (1), a single person, an individual human being said something and you somehow link the solitary individual to a majority of the human population as being bullies? You must have an extreme inferiority complex.

Barry requests it go to court, well sadly for denier it already has deniers tried to stop ICT being broadcast in schools in the UK (which is where I assume Barry UK is) the denier lost that case, i.e. the court thought the science was valid.

Denier like to bleat about taking things to court

like this denier -

Hah thats a good one, David Suzuki doesn't understand the science himself, does'nt know what GISS or UAH is http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrSbmj9d...


This article shows that one greenie wants people jailed if they don't submit to the hoax.

This is a brilliant idea. Let the greenies prove in a court of law one way or the other on the available evidence. What do they call a concensus in court? Hearsay comes to mind. If it cannot be proven we should chuck it out demand our money back.

I know of one true scientist who President Bush tried to suppress.


edit for Update 3: ?

Only a moron would think that your video of a graph taped to a see-saw proves anything.

Bury UK

< Let the greenies prove in a court of law one way or the other>

Science proved that OJ killed his ex wife and her fiance. The court let him walk anyways.


Is this one of your "true scientists"?

By " true scientists" you mean denialist shills and yes they are bullies issuing death threats against real scientists when their lies are exposed