> Where can you find the raw global warming temperature data?

Where can you find the raw global warming temperature data?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Your best bet would be to check Wattsupwiththat.com. They can steer you in the right direction.

Weather stations

Here ya go:


If your goal is to see what has been adjusted in the data and why, that is of course published as well: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ushcn/v...

yous always ax for medium rares

google 'GISS raw data'

now try to get raw data from drug tests.


global commission on climate change but remember all the data up to 2003 was found to have been faked and even after that they started moving monitoring points nearer cities to increase the readings


All science is open for anyone to check and review the data. And since government funds global warming research, the information should be available from the web or with a FOIA request, however I am unable to locate this information. Does anyone know where the raw data and the formulas they use to determine the hottest year on record chart? I would like to independently review the data. And I know because it's a real science, this information will be cheerfully handed over to me.