> When will climate change be bad?

When will climate change be bad?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You will never notice it. Changes are very slow compared to a human lifetime. You cannot just notice it yourself. It takes careful record keeping and statistics. Weather might be a little more erratic in your lifetime, but not SO much. Then in your grand children's life it will be more so, but since it will have already changed by they time they are born, it won't seem SO much more different to them. It will basically not get different enough in one human lifetime for any one person to notice it himself.

The heatwave of 2003 killed 70,000 people. I'd say it was bad 10 years ago.

We already have severe drought in the middle of this county, record temperatures and storms like Sandy which were never seen before. Change is here, and changes will continue to come. You can't just hide. Nobody knew the New Jersey and downtown NYC would be so affected by extra storm surge in 2012. Communities will just have to spend billions to protect shores, we will pay for repairs out of taxes and insurance rates; we already voted for that. It's not going to be like some different planet, just more of the changes we are already seeing.

It's already getting bad. I live in Oklahoma and we have been under severe drought conditions for the last several years. It is also affecting the price of food and threatening our food supply The first reference below tells about a few of the things I have noticed locally and the second is about our food supply. The third is about how global warming is leading to more extreme weather events.

Climate scientists have investigated the role that global warming has in changing weather patterns, and have found that it contributes to many of the severe weather patterns we have had lately. The latest research has found that the disappearing ice in the Arctic has slowed the jetstream, so weather patterns last longer and lead to more extreme weather.

Climate Change requires 30 years to determine if the climate changed. What you are referring to is weather. And people like Baccy Baby should know about it.

And for Jesse, please read 'Grapes of Wrath'. This is not new to Oklahoma.

Move to Florida and don't give it a second thought.

There is no man made climate change only natural changes, The Sun for the last 70years has been in the most intense activity for the last 9000yrs but it's entering a quieter period now.

I know. Hurricanes never made landfall on Florida before 1970 (don't look that up) and most deaths from a hurricane occurred in 192... that can't be right....uhhhh.... Global warming is bad... repent your sins.

next years

How long will it be until climate change gets really bad? (Severe droughts, record temps, more storms). Will it be in the next few years, we could see crazy floods and droughts? even devestating storms THIS year? Or will it take a few more years until things start getting seriously bad.

Im just wondering because I'm moving to florida this summer and a bit worried about everything.