> Do you think it's possible to create a machine that can change the weather?

Do you think it's possible to create a machine that can change the weather?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Like in the future?

Yes, and it is working here and now. It is called the Propaganda Machine. It is presently running in high gear to convince people that we are changing the Earth. The Earth has never been warm till man evolved. The latest is the extinction of Wooly Mammoth's starting 12,000 years ago due to Global Warming, the same time humans were making the scene. All our fault.

In time possibly yes but it would be highly complex and would likely NOT work how you envision it. I am thinking more alog terraforming. Use a combinaiton of technoligies to change the environmental conditions of an area or planet. For example if we find a plant in an alien solar system we can start by seeding the planet with the microbes we beleive first unlocked oxygen from our soil. Then you over time seed more and more forms of life. To help this process along you can also have a set of machines that would aid in accelerating the process.

This is likely 100's or even 1,000's of years out though.

It would be difficult to create on machine that would affect any weather but it is possible and scientist are working on using local systems that change the weather in a very specific manner. Such as the cloud seeding, although another could be raising or lowering the surface temperature of water in the ocean to affect how hurricanes form and how strong they are.

It is possible to invent a machine that has weather changing abilities, but one without an adverse negative effect doesn't exist. The AC has these listed negative effects on a human alone

Sudden changes in temperature and humidity affect the respiratory system.

It has a drying effect on skin and mucous membranes.

It adds to ambient noise, contributing to noise pollution.

The air circulation can transmit infectious respiratory diseases.

Airborne dust and fungi can cause allergic reactions.

Air conditioning is associated with chronic rhinitis and pharyngitis, throat irritation and hoarseness.

Air conditioning can exaccerbate eye conditions such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis, as well as causing problems for contact lens wearers.

Plus air conditioners release many positive ions which have horrible consequences to the environment. So yes it is possible to change the weather, but not without a cost.

AC merely controls the climate of a room or a building but has no effect on the weather. If it were possible, the machine would likely be the size of one of the smaller states at minimum so not very realistic

We can seed the clouds and make it rain but that covers a small area

It is theoretically possible to develop machines that remove CO2 from the atmosphere, something akin to the scrubber technology used in submarines. But realistically it ain't gonna happen. The costs are enormous. The first question should be who would you expect to pay for it. Then the timeline to develop the technology and implement it is adequate scale is too slow: we could start addressing today's CO2 levels in maybe 100 years. That much cost and effort could be better utilized to develop solar power at adequate scale and offer cheap energy without wars to everyone in the world.

well AC is such a example that can change weather in particular area like in room. but there is no creation of such a machine that can change our whole climate because of pollution and industrialization.according to me, natural things only changed by natural things.

According to the greenies, we've already done it in the form of the ICE.

Yes apart from cloud seeding the Australians have a device http://ph.search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A2oKmK...

yes..the main example is AC

Like in the future?

yes it is possible

no man no one can fight with nature