> What energy source is part of Obama's package to Africa?

What energy source is part of Obama's package to Africa?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Interest on work performed. It's a dollar amount based on interest. The $7 billion is financed through the American Taxpayer. Regardless of the amount, our own Government does not have that much to give. Good fortune (call it "luck" if you want) for others reaping the benefits. He's an idiot and a politician! That's all Obama is! Banks finance our "guaranteed" debt. They will always get their money and always will through the "Federal Reserve Act of 1913". Federal debt is guaranteed through income taxes!

Energy is and has always been available for people to enjoy. The source is irrelevant. There is no "GREAT EFFECT" to the planet. It's all financial.

Hmm I have always wondered, Africa is a huge country and apart from Nigeria they don't seem to have oil. do they have shale?

It is a good question. He is actively trying to destroy our energy while propping up energy in Brazil and Venezuela and now Africa. He is a redistributionist Alynskiite who isn't smart enough to understand how stupid he is. Throwing money at Africa's energy sector is a waste of our hard earned dollars. I don't mind so much that Bush spent billions to save lives from Aids but this is nothing but throwing our money into the toilet IMO so Obama can feel good for a day and then move on to the next photo op.

Beside coal, there is one other possible answer; he doesn't kmow.. Some people wil argue that solar and wind power are too expensive, and that there are too many unstable regimes for nuclear power. The truth is that the West needs to lead by example. If we tell the developing world that we envy them because everything but hydrocarbons will wreck our economy, what chance do we have of getting the developing nations to use clean energy. The truth is that the notion that driving gas guzzling SUVs creates wealth is absurd. Efficient use of energy creates wealth. We akso need monetary reform. Bible thumping denialists like Madd Maxx and Sagebrush should read whatcthe Bible says about usury. And so should. Orthodox Jews.

Oil, gas, wind.


Because the answer is coal and the hypocrasy would scream at us.

"U.S. President Barack Obama pledged $7 billion Sunday to help combat frequent power blackouts in sub-Saharan Africa." http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/30/world/africa/south-africa-obama-pledge/

Read the rest. That all sounds good to me. But what struck me is that there was no mention of the type of energy this would entail. Any idea why that is?