> Was global warming invented to get more tax money?

Was global warming invented to get more tax money?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It sure was.

Plus a lot more global control over countries via [initially} the UN

It’s clear global warming/climate change is real. It’s equally clear the > current < warming cycle has been going on since the last ice age and that’s why the Sahara was grassland 10,000 years ago but is desert today + has been desert for centuries. The fact the current warming trend started long before there was any industry and when there were hardly any people is good evidence humans are not the cause. It also means humans are not the solution.

The Earth goes through constant climate change cycles and has done so throughout its history. The exact mechanism is not completely understood but appears to be related to solar activity and the axial tilt of the Earth as it orbits the sun - not human activity. Note that the Earth is apparently at the end of the current warming cycle and should begin cooling soon (“soon” in geological terms).

All of the carbon tax/carbon offset BS is just robbery or extortion disguised as science. Countries like China and India LOVED the idea of carbon taxes/carbon offsets – but only when they could pretend to be “undeveloped”. Once it was pointed out both are horrific polluters of > every type < they suddenly weren’t so keen on the idea. Only the global Left and countries like North Korea & Zimbabwe still love the idea of carbon taxes.

The Left loves the idea because they are dedicated to destroying the West in general and the USA in particular. Getting the developed world to wreck its own industrial base is something they want. Having the West simultaneously give free guilt-money to countries like North Korea & Zimbabwe would just make it better.

Unfortunately, scientific research has been compromised by the politics of the subject. The academic community leans far to the Left, so researchers who “prove” human-caused global warming (AGW) are rewarded with more grants, but researchers who don’t “prove” AGW find themselves cut off.

The politics of the issue are a problem because we really do need to understand how the Earth works so we can anticipate, predict, and adjust. We also need to reduce actual pollution that is poisoning our environment, and countries like China & India should not get a free ride.

I believe the answer is YES. Governments can capitalize on this using the fear of its citizens. Global warming is NOT real in the sense that its man made. Look, there would still be extreme weather even if humans didn't exist. Why does everyone want to place blame for something that is a completely natural process?

Everyone is making good money off Global Warm scare, not just govt. Take wind generators which require tons of maintenance, the maintenance contracts are worth millions.

yes, as global warming has gone round in cycles for millions of years, from hot to cold. and visa versa . I read a couple of years ago that the underground natural coal fires in china had more co2 more than all the cars in America . figures can usually be adjusted to suite . i,e. natural or man made,

No. Scientists are people too. They drive cars, have families, buy homes, go on holidays, shop, and all the other things humans do.

Why would scientists 'invent' global warming if it meant they, their friends, and their families had to pay more taxes? That makes no sense.

Global warming is an observation, claiming it's a crisis caused by greedy fossil fuel companies fits the liberal mold for creating outrage for inequality created by capitalism.

Yes --- That's all it is. It's just another way to tax us and destroy our liberties. There is no man-made Global Warming.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

yes Maurice Strong wants a world tax .

Yes, but it was not an easy accomplishment. These people had to go out and melt glaciers and reduce the Arctic sea ice volume in order to convince people around the world that it is real. I think they may have spent more money doing this than they will get back in taxes.

Next they are going to invent meteors and asteroids to get more tax dollars to keep them from hitting us.


Absolutely! They even admit it.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister: “No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Quote by Timoth Wirth, U.S./UN functionary, former elected Democrat Senator: “We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

Right out of the horse's mouths. They take our money and put us in tyranny. No doubt about it!

Some1: "These people had to go out and melt glaciers and reduce the Arctic sea ice volume." Ha! Ha! You left out Antarctic sea volume. I know you don't want to touch that one. Wasn't the Arctic supposed to be ice free last year? Ha!Ha!

Marduk: Right on! Al Gore is a billionaire from this fiasco.

Check this out, and judge for your self



You have answered your own question.

Taxes fund research that proves global warming.

The research justifies more taxes.

The tax money funds more research.


Wannabe skeptic, huh? No it wasn't invented it is a proven fact Get used to it

It worked for Solyndra.

mother nature is the ultimate tax collector, and she does not negotiate.