> The scientific community is now in almost complete agreement global warming is caused by the easter bunny?

The scientific community is now in almost complete agreement global warming is caused by the easter bunny?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Actually the scientific community's complete agreement has been clearly written and well documented.


and 9/11/2001 was the product of suicidal Arab fanatics.


A! lets bust the emperor for indecent exposure!

For sure.

We are having global cooling in Oregon. Still wear my coat when I go out.

Maybe the crickets will rub their legs together and warm things up?

I fail to see why you included that very first link. You either did not read it or did not understand it (both of which are considered 'good science' in the world of deniers, nonetheless).

The Easter bunny had a real tough time this year with all the snow, April in America this year was the 3rd highest snow extent in the last 47yrs

The intellectual prowess of deniers is truly remarkable.

Most of the scientific community can write in proper English.

Ask not for whom the troll bellows.

In the first article:

Post hoc fallacy

Omitted variable fraud

Appeal to ridicule

Appeal to common sense

Appeal to ignorance

Typical alarmist propaganda. I didn't read the others.


In the category of 'time to stop digging':

false assertion ('complete' is demonstrably counter factual); appeal to social proof (bandwagon); appeal to authority

Begging the question, appeal to ridicule, ad hominem

<...either did not read it or did not understand it (both of which are considered 'good science' in the world of deniers...>

Begging the question, appeal to ridicule, ad hominem

Don't talk about Dork's pet that way. It is the only creature, other than rats, that will live in the basement with him.




So Warmists are going to blame it on the Easter Bunny now hun? Well, I can't blame them. Nearly any theory they come up with would be better than the one they got now.
