> Should governments do more than they are doing in order to combat the environmental problems?

Should governments do more than they are doing in order to combat the environmental problems?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
aused by global warming even if it means a cut in their countrys standard of living.

Yes. Governments should take less vacations or teleconference. Governments should make traffic more efficient. Just think how much fuel is wasted every day in traffic jams and at red lights. There are so many ways the Government could conserve, but yet they don't. Makes one wonder if there really is a crises, doesn't it?

Yes, absolutely. The standard of living in countries that are large superpowers such as the USA should not be extremely altered by the government issuing building codes that encourage and support the use of solar energy, conservation of natural resources and recycling to slow down or to avoid global warming. Something must be done and soon.

Yes and no, but do it in a way so it doesn't affect the economy, the government doesn't need to be investing their money (or lack thereof) into these companies. It isn't a tried and true method, the government can't afford to keep spewing regulations out of its oversized ****. If a group of people wanted to start some "green" businesses, that's fine. But the government doesn't need to be subsidizing organic farming, farming and using pesticides is proven that it doesn't hurt crops or hurt people. The government needs to stop placing so much priority on paper recycling, it literally doesn't solve anything whatsoever. I believe that some companies should go "green", but this isn't a utopia and that isn't realistic. I think that current regulations are good enough and like I say, "if it isn't broke, don't fix it".

Climate change is a natural phenomenon and the governments can do nothing to change that. The governments need to ease environmental regulation and stop inefficient subsidies to things like wind farms and solar panels in the UK. We need to redirect this investment to areas such as hydrogen fuel which is completely renewable and nuclear power.

The government cure would be worse than a imaginary disease.

Yes, they should put more effort into real environmental problems rather than hypothetical ones.

caused by global warming even if it means a cut in their countrys standard of living.