> Is there an IPCC equivalent in science?

Is there an IPCC equivalent in science?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In other words, is there any other branch of science which publishes a "current state of knowledge" report every 5 years or so for its particular discipline?

WHO comes out with a yearly health report - http://www.who.int/gho/publications/worl...

"WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends."

Funny enough I remember when the swine flu was all the rage and people were complaining that it was a problem created by the UN in order to force vaccination on people for sterilization purposes or some other such rubbish.

Take your pick of other UN organizations here: http://www.unsceb.org/directory and I am sure you'll find conspiratorial thinking with all of them.

There are few scientific issues that are global in nature; i.e. that require international cooperation to identify and solve.

Among the issues that come to my mind are:

Disease. Yes, the WHO is comparable to the IPCC but also takes steps to coordinate response whereas the IPCC does not attempt to solve the problem, it merely educates policy-makers.

Earth-threatening asteroids. No, there is currently no equivalent but the UN has announced plans to create an International Asteroid Warning Group to coordinate information. Currently the closest to an international coordinating body is the private non-profit B612 foundation.

The WSR (World Science Report) has been around since 1993, but you do realize anything that projects or predicts, is oracle in nature.

Sorry about the edit, I had to do a verification check.

WHO is either something Horton heard or a political organization. IPCC is also a political organization. I know more about biology, geology and paleontology than other branches of science. I can't think of anything like them. With paleoanthropology, it would change so much every 5 years, it would be awfully difficult to write. In addition there are many competing theories so it would get heated. I remember when **** floresiensis was discovered we had people coming out of the woodwork mocking it because it threatened their particular set of beliefs. It was said to be a microcephalic human.... but I digress.

When one person (or group) makes a discovery, typically they write it up and others typically try to tear it down. Trying to piece together those sorts of things in a coherent report entitled "present knowledge" would be impossible. I think it might end up in war.

The Food police . One year they said eggs are bad for.

The next year they are good for you .

The IPCC need to publish a report on the fact Global warming stopped in 1998 . And refund the taxpayers.

The thing is... something like, say, quantum physics doesn't have much in the way of political implications. We don't need to pass laws to keep gravity from crushing us all or something.

Since the IPCC is basically a tool to help policy makers have the scientific information they need to make scientifically appropriate policy decisions re: AGW, I wouldn't expect something like the IPCC for quantum physics. But, as Jeff M has pointed out, health care has both scientific and political aspects, so WHO performs a similar role for health care.

No, there are no other impending global catastrophes, nor will there be any until the money runs out for this one. The IPCC asessment reports are unique in the scientific community.

Thanks for providing the purpose statement. I thought its purpose was to give poor countries a justification to demand money from rich countries ("climate reparations'). At last, an excuse to feel bad just because you are rich

No just United Nations and other Illuminati agenda driven organizations.

Remember Goebbels quote loved by Sagebrush?.......where is he to post it? That is why and the answer. Make the lie big then repeat the lie over and over......mind control 101.

I agree entirely with Chemflunky. Of course the fact that this field is so related to public policy, I find it entertaining that the idea of politics influencing the research is so easily dismissed by warmers.

Sure, the OECD, however they are more concerned with economics and they don't publish every 5 years.

In other words, is there any other branch of science which publishes a "current state of knowledge" report every 5 years or so for its particular discipline?

This is done constantly in other branches of science, usually in journals specific to that branch, by peer review.