> Is politics interfering with the workings of the IPCC?

Is politics interfering with the workings of the IPCC?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Your link pretty much explains it here :

" ... The general motivations for government revisions – from most (but not all) participating delegations – appeared to be quite clear in the plenary sessions. These motivations were made explicit in the “contact groups,” which met behind closed doors in small groups with the lead authors on particularly challenging sections of the SPM. In these contact groups, government representatives worked to suppress text that might jeopardize their negotiating stances in international negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). ... "

Edit to Ben : The IP CC is under the supervision of the United Nations which is trying to become the Governing Body of the World. They set standards on water treatment on how much chlorine and fluoride should be added to water and have constantly added more and more of these 2 solids to our water. They are finding that adding these solids to our water system are creating many of our health problems. "ObamaCare" is an essential part of the UN's Agenda 21 Depopulation schedule. You should reconsider your trust of the United Nations. Global Warming/Climate Change is just another avenue for these ELITISTS to have control over the less fortunate and under-privileged.

Sorry Kano. I didn't see this question and asked pretty much the same. But it should be a wake up call to the greenies and it bears repeating. A word to the wise is sufficient, but in the case of the greenies it take a little longer.

Thank you Kano, this is is exactly why I still come here.

To me it is amusing to see that any suggestion where politicians, (many of who have seen their campaigns at least partially funded by the fossil fuel companies) of the report is thumbed down by those who claim it is a conspiracy by thousands of scientist all over the world publishing false science in order to persuade politicians to increase taxes.

Thank you all.

I think it's safe to assume politics interferes with every aspect of modern day life. Throughout history it is crystal clear that money drives everything, if you ever want to know the truth of a matter just follow the money.

The problem is that currently the oil and gas business is the most lucrative and highly funded line of work, and whenever an organization has billions of dollars they always seem to become best friends with the government. The government is always looking for ways they can become a part of a huge money making operation, and whenever that operation comes under attack from environmental scientists it is in the best interest of the government to shut them up.

It may be hard to believe, but the government actually spends large sums of money (via lobbyists) to pay climatologists and environmentalists to refute that global warming exists. Essentially, by the government claiming global warming is a myth, they can continue to fund and make profits off of electric plants, coal mining operations, and shale oil and gas. The "higher ups" know that if they confirm global warming as fact, they will be forced to make huge cuts in the energy industry in efforts to promote environmental health.

The fact of the matter is that the IPCC belongs not to one country, but every country. The research and findings reported by the IPCC are the result of an accumulation of thousands of scientists located in every country. I can tell you without any hesitation that global warming is real, it's a natural phenomenon that has occurred on earth for billions of years. The problem is that with increasing global population, global warming has begun to increase in speed. If you're skeptical, you should do your own research on climatology and greenhouse gases, but this is something I've been studying for years as a geologist and it is absolutely true.

Here's an article discussing government payment to scientists to refute global warming:


Hope this helps
