> If a nuclear plant exploded in England would we all get evacuated to France?

If a nuclear plant exploded in England would we all get evacuated to France?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I was wondering because England's pretty small compared to most countries, If a nuclear plant exploded would we get evacuated to somewhere in the rest of Europe?

The answer is no.

I think there would be plenty of room left


Since the prevailing winds are from England to France, I don't think that would be your best option. Having lived with the French for a short time, you might have a hard time finding any showers to wash the radiation off you.

It depends on how big it is or how many exploded.

If I were you I would visit my cousins in Denmark or as far away as you can

I was wondering because England's pretty small compared to most countries, If a nuclear plant exploded would we get evacuated to somewhere in the rest of Europe?