> Climate change what is agenda 21?

Climate change what is agenda 21?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Agenda 21 is just one of many things that the far left wants to inflict on us, partly due to their ignorance and partly due to their guilt which drives their lives. The fact is, we have an anti-American, anti-corporation, anti-freedom, redistributing, Marxist community organizing, Alynskiite as president who represents a sizable number (20%?) of similar Americans who don't care if they reduce the one superpower into another Greece as long as they get some goodies or put America in her place. I notice the Obamas never miss out on their vacations to Martha Vineyard and 20 million dollar estate in Hawaii on taxpayer's dime while they demonize the rich. These are the people we are dealing with. Always seeking to pit one group against another, whether it is blacks against whites or rich against poor.

rofl I thought that site was going to give an overview of what Agenda 21 was. It didn't even contain the most basic definition! Agenda 21 NEVER involved any Government. It was all about local groups and communities, and climate change is only one of the many issues it's trying to address for the Millennium project. Such issues including slavery, oppression of women around the globe, poverty, war, terrorism, unfair economic system etc.

You also seem confused about the finances and set-ups of the UN. Let me guess - you hate the UN for accepting a donation of $85million and some land to build an office in America in, but have no problem with the Rockefeller building, JP Morgan, Leeman brothers etc and are fine with giving them money so they can every now and then throw some pocket money at some worthy cause and have the world either fall over about how philanthropic they are or how evil these people are for accepting their money and how it must therefore be a sinister organisation. gotcha.

I agree with them. It's bs that the richest 400 people in the world have more money than the poorest 1 billion. And that's just finances that are openly disclosed.

What an interesting URL.

A link to a fossil fuels funded CFACT 'article' written by a retired paper industry executive who runs a group which denies global warming and whose Agenda 21 article is full of lies.

And the best part is the URL itself as it was generated by an email marketing campaign application (Mailchimp) which tracks the impact of automated emails send out to the subscribers of their customers, in this case CFACT. In other words, you are (also) on CFACT's mailing list.

IF you are interested (which I doubt, since you are spamming rather then asking a question) you can read it on-line [1]

Edit; You either did not read it, or you did not comprehend what you read. It is of course possible that I am mistaken and all you have to do is to show WHERE in that book they are advocating for this "one great huge bureaucracy".
