> Chemical trails and ozone?

Chemical trails and ozone?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

It makes no sense for airplanes to leave chem-trails ... and by chem-trails I'm assuming you mean the deliberate release of chemical agents from high altitude for various secret reasons. This is because:

1. High altitude winds are unpredictable. Therefore you cannot accurately predict where chemical agents will fall or what the concentration will be.

2. Releasing chemical agents from high altitude and dispersing them over a wide region isn't clever if you want to keep it secret. This is because we have air pollution monitors all over the country, particularly in cities which might detect such agents. Plus, of course, people can see the planes. With modern social networks it wouldn't be too difficult for one person to spy a plane, for people in the network to follow its path, for someone to see where it landed, and for someone else to photograph the ID markings.

3. Why release chemicals from planes? If I really wanted to spray chemicals secretly, I'd get a few tanker trucks and drive them through cities at night. It'd be a lot cheaper and more controlled.

"I am wondering if the chemical trails that planes leave behind are actually destroying the ozone layer."

Yes, they help do that. They are primarily hot water vapor, and water vapor deletes ozone. Whether or not "geoengineers" push other things into the air, say to reflect heat back into space... it would depend on the chemical. Most photo-active sulfur compounds, deplete ozone too.


"my Dad who worked with NOAA studying ozone for 12 years, says that they aren't."

We measured the rip in the ozone layer behind the Concorde. So we know jets that fly in the ozone layer, destroy ozone. Whether or not they blow other crap out too, to help cool the planet is something else again.


You Dad is probably right, since it would be a huge economic expense to move huge tonnage of compounds to the air to release. But combustion of hydrogen-containing fuels at altitude alone will leave contrails in water-saturated air, and of course, this extra water does cross a weakened tropopause.

Hi JI Watch this video for the truth

Nothing scientific has been publicly explored on this subject as it would be very expensive. Not too many people know what chemically is in those contrails?

We do know that it isn't the highly blamed refrigerants.

Many scientists publicly came out in the seventies and pointed at the Sun. But these were soon quashed. More politically than scientifically, because the drum beats were to get rid of R12 at the time.

I tend to agree with your father though.


Chemtrails are a foil-hat conspiracy theory. Contrails are real, sometimes they look like they're creating a pattern because airplanes fly the same routes while the air they're flying in moves. (and it makes it look like stripes or a grid)

Some of the pictures of "chemtrails" are airplanes dumping fuel... yes they do that sometimes.

Cold and volcanic gasses cause ozone holes...

it would be more beneficial to your father knowing and have research on this things.

Believe your father. For someone who calls themselves ozoneguy, you would think he would want to learn the first thing about it.

I am wondering if the chemical trails that planes leave behind are actually destroying the ozone layer. I have heard from lot's of people that they are, but my Dad who worked with NOAA studying ozone for 12 years, says that they aren't. He stopped working with them a few years ago though, so which one is true?