> Will a crackdown on AGW dissenters in the UK prove global warming is really happening?

Will a crackdown on AGW dissenters in the UK prove global warming is really happening?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hmm that should increase UKIP votes,

We are entering a new age where free speech will be abolished, propaganda and thought control promoted, and eventually Gulags instituted.

The BBC is funded by an annual tax for every household that has a television. They send out roving vans with thermal imagers to detect people who haven't paid up.

The government should step in and try to get some neutrality in there.

No – but it would remove much of the stupidity and lying from the debate.

>>Mr Miller likened climate sceptics to the Monster Raving Loony Party and said that the BBC should limit interviews with them just as it restricted the coverage it gave to fringe political parties.<<


I don’t know what the “Monster Raving Loony Party” is, but they can't be as crazy as AGW Deniers.

You read articles like this and think it's got to be a lie, then the ******* nuts pipe in, thanks Gary.
