> Why is it so cold outside where is the global warming?

Why is it so cold outside where is the global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming has increased average world temperatures about a degree C. In some areas (notably the Arctic), temperatures have, on average, gone up about 5 degrees C on average.

Let's say your area has experienced *exactly* the average rise in temperatures. And, let's say, the average high temperature in your area before warming was -10C. It would now be -9C. Would you notice that difference?

And that's not counting the fact that weather is *highly variable*.

GeoEngineering: The Basic Science of Cooler Summer and Frigid Winter – The Answer to the Scam of ‘If it’s ‘global warming’, why is it so cold?’ ChemTrails* Related Article: Who’s Lying? A Simple Tale of Unbiased Global Warming Facts: ‘The Mysterious CO2 Planets: Mars, Venus, and Earth’

Global warming actually will eventually result in Europe being frozen permanently if climate change is not combated. Also, there are el ni?o and la ni?a years, which are seasonal climate variations that happen every 4-6 years that affect the ocean temperatures, which end up affecting the whole climate of those specific years. Global warming results in winters being colder and summers being hotter. The term warming in global warming relates to the greenhouse affect being affected, it does not mean that it should be hot all the time, as people commonly think.

Thursday - January 24, 2013 @ 6:35 a.m. it is currently -31 degrees (minus 31) in Hibbing Minnesota, with a dewpoint of -40

The cold spot was in Embarrass MN, where the temperature dropped to -45

It's part of the climate change.

On average the globe is warming. The increased heat causes fluctuation in temps during the different seasons. This week was 10 degrees, next week it's supposed to get to 40 or above.

Learn more (and don't listen to Conservative Lies)


global warming is not all ways there. they call it global warming because in the north and south pole it is increasing tempreture. so in the future we will not be hot just flooded and then everyone needs to swim

When will you idiots buy a dictionary? Learn the difference between Local and Global

It is winter and it is cold in winter. GW is not going to turn every place into Fort Lauderdale overnight In fact almost from the onset GW/climate change was predicted to cause blizzards as well as heat waves. The annual global average temp is still rising


I want to know that as well

Why is it so hot here in Sydney when the denier industry tell me the planet is cooling?

Correction : part of the denier industry.

Some say its cooling - the rest have changed from assuring us that the planet is cooling to assuring us that the planet is warming but humans are not the cause (perhaps its reptilians directing their malevolent beams at us from their moon base)

GLOBAL warming ... not Local-Today-In-The-Middle-Of-Winter Warming

As Big Gyph says: Global Warming doesn't actually mean Global Warming, oh no. It means um sort of not sure really.

Well, where I live it's been 75-80 F for the last week.

Because Global warming is a myth, if you look at charts showing CO2 rise against temperature for the last 20 years you will see no relationship. in fact the earth has cooled very slightly during the last 16yrs,

If global temperatures are driven by solar cycles not CO2 as many scientist's think the next decade or two are going to be very cold, followed by rising temps after.

To a greenie warming can mean anything.

Quote by Steven Guilbeault, Canadian environemental journalist and Greenpeace member: "Global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter."

This is their logic. A cat ran across the street, that's Global Warming. My refrigerator broke, that's Global Warming. In Milwaukee a man died of hypothermia (This is real), that's Global Warming. Chicago has had no snow for 28 months (real), That's Global Warming. Hurricane Sandy (Real), that's global warming according to Al Gore. No hurricanes, that's Global Warming. Floods, Global Warming. Droughts, that's Global Warming. On and on and on. And then these greenies have the gall to call us true scientists cherry pickers and unscientific.

Quote by Chris Folland of UK Meteorological Office: “The data don't matter. We're not basing our recommendations [for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions] upon the data. We're basing them upon the climate models.”

Those climate models are admittedly wrong and the earth has proven them wrong, but that doesn't stop them. They know they are dealing with fiction.

Quote by David Frame, climate modeler, Oxford University: “Rather than seeing models as describing literal truth, we ought to see them as convenient fictions which try to provide something useful.”

And they call us deniers.

because global warming doesn't effect the weather all the time and it can still be cold because we have an ozone layer

Exactly, Gryph. Only a dolt wouldn't understand that warming meant cooling as well. Win win, yes? As to your question, there is no global warming. The planet is actually cooling. But drink the kool-aid. Funny.

That's odd. It's nice and warm here.

It's in a cave somewhere drinking straight Kentucky bourbon and telling tales of nICE teenAGErs.

Normal cyclical changes...and not GW!!! (which is based on pseudoscience...honest!!!)

And, possibly HAARP activity at experimental stations.

Because of Obama.