> Is there a way to report an alarmist with multiple fake accounts?

Is there a way to report an alarmist with multiple fake accounts?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If you notice a pattern of suspected multiple account abuse (thumbs down/up, voting etc) then please let us know and we can take a look.

Please send us an email to: y_answrs_team@yahoo.com with a brief explanation of the issue (thumbs down with suspected multiple accounts) and also importantly please include the question where you noticed this so we investigate further.

I thought it was a mark of honour to have my posts considered worth hiding. I always know where to find all the more interesting and factual info. I have made posts asking about YA impartiality but no sensible answer appeared.

Hi Ian It could be that SKS has taken it on to try and take control over yahoo climate change section Their a pack of control freeks over there and delete anything that goes against what they are trying to promote It may not be just one it could be any one of their 140 odd internet soldiers all I know is it happening more regular then it once did Cheers

I've noticed the same. Suddenly a buch of familiar respondents all get td'd to hidden.

When I see this I make a point of reading those entries... There's usually a good point being made that's being deliberately hidden.

Answers should be vote-able but not hide-able. I don't do thumbs down, no matter how idiotic I think an answer is.

I got 11 td's in 8 minutes on a question with only 3 answers, I think it's funny that someone is so sad

I have a fair idea who these astute intellects are, but after having 1 account suspended for writing something which later became main stream media consensus concerning priests of a certain christian denomination I am reluctant to actually name them. But for regulars you know who I mean!

I don't know how to. I suppose you could flag them as offensive and provide a comment but that would probably only get your flags ignored in the future. When you post in a political quasi-religious category, you get some freaks that feel like they are saving the world by keeping your answer/questions hidden. You would think they would have some shame but it just goes to show who they really are.

Note: I will sometimes post and then catch a spelling error and by the time I correct it I find like 4 thumbs down and climbing. This tells me that someone must be getting in and out very often (what kind of mind does that?). If someone let them out of their basement, they would probably reported as stalkers. Clearly that type of person has serious mental issues. I think it is kind of ironic that Mike suggested you might have too much time on your hands for being annoyed by it. Some odd balls that no doubt post here regularly clearly have way too much time on their hands stalking YA to keep the world from seeing our posts or to simply to get their thumbs in the sauce.

It won't do any good. Y!A is in cohoots with them. In fact, I suspicion that one or more of these participants are on the Yahoo payroll.

The best way to beat them is to show how stupid they really are and honestly support those with the right view. The first part is easy. The second part just takes diligence. In the end, if Yahoo keeps going the way it presently is, it will become the laughing stock if the internet.

You do realize the actual value of virtual environments, don't you? I'm not saying you could be putting your time to better use, but.....

I just noticed on one of the questions I asked that all the skeptics got hit with just enough thumbs down to hide their answers in a period of about 1 minute. It's obvious that at least one alarmist has multiple fake accounts used to vote. You don't get 7 real alarmists giving thumbs down without at least one snarky comment. I'm trying to report this to customer care but I'm not sure who to report it to. Does anyone know how to report it and if they will do anything? I imagine they must track IP addresses and could stop them that way.