> Why doesn't it feel like summer?

Why doesn't it feel like summer?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Unfortunately you’re experiencing a spell of poor weather that will hopefully soon pass. If you want to say where you are then I can tell you why you’re getting the poor weather.

The thing about the weather is that it’s very changeable, as you say, a year ago it was much warmer; this time next year it could be very different again.

Weather is influenced by a number of factors, these happen on a regional or national scale and last for a few days, a week or two at most. It sounds like you’ve got anti-cyclonic conditions at the moment, this would explain the cloud and rain. In time this weather system will pass and be replaced by another one. Not knowing where you are means I can’t say what’s lining up to take it’s place – it could be more bad weather, but it could be something much better.

Given that you’ve asked this question in the Global Warming category I’ll just add that it’s important not to confuse weather with climate. Climate is based on long-term averages (usually 30 years or more), it’s the average of lots and lots of weather events all added together.

I designed my Triple Output solution that may have cause the beginning of the end of Global Warming, but My design is for all species to slowly adapt to all changes without harm to them, so I think to cooler days we have are a part since new outdoor life came through this last spring. Nature keeps it cooler for all species, especially the new born so they can endure to cool parts now, so when fall and winter comes they will be able to survive it much better is my theory. Mike

Its just weather it'll pass. And depending on where you live it shouldn't stick around for that long just be patient. The first 2 weeks of my summer were raining but that didn't stop me from having fun. Just find some other things to do.

Summer starts 6/21/13. Two more weeks and it won't be Spring.

And the award for number one complainer goes to you!! A week off of school and poor you didn't get to do everything in the world yet!

Ya I agree .. It sucks a lot !

global warming

It's just weather, the loonies say, fact it's now been going on for two years seems to have escaped them.

The earth is cooling

I got off of school a week ago today and it does NOT feel like summer.

Last year at this time it was hot and I was swimming at the pool.

It has been 60 degrees and below. Everyday it is SO cloudy and always rains. I can't enjoy anything since it's so cold. I've just not been able to do anything and it really sucks.