> Why does the United Nations Say That Cooling Temperatures Indicate Unprecedented Warming?

Why does the United Nations Say That Cooling Temperatures Indicate Unprecedented Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Of course they have to say that, you think they could turn around and say they were wrong, they have no choice but to carry on making alarmist statements.

Yes Elizabeth we climbed the hill of natural warming, crossed the plateau and are now descending back down to sea level.

I answered this the best I could based on my knowledge of global warming, but I am not an expert or anything so....

When most people think of global warming, they are under the assumption that temperatures everywhere must increase. "Global warming" should be referred to as global climate change because there are many places on Earth not experiencing a climate change, some places are even experiencing a decrease in temperatures. This can probably be contributed to the change in weather patterns due to ocean temperatures rising in some areas; as a result of glaciers melting, some bodies of water that are usually warmer are experiencing a temperature decrease. The oceans and their temperatures have a drastic impact on weather conditions (hence the increase in hurricanes, tsunamis, cyclones, etc.). Changing temperatures in the oceans also alter the jet stream, causing come areas to be cooler, while other areas become warmer, but the overall temperature of the Earth is rising, especially in the North/South Poles.

Perhaps what the UN said about the cooling temperatures is supposed to demonstrate the odd weather pattern changes attributed to global warming. These bizarre weather changes hint upon a more drastic increase in the Earth's temperature. That's my guess on what this is supposed to mean. It does not mean that global warming doesn't exist, this is probably just something taken out of context to make global warming seem like it doesn't exist for political purposes.


No they don't. That's the 'spin' which Steve Goddard added to make his cherry-picked point.

The UN claims the last decade is the warmest on record WHEN COMPARED WITH PREVIOUS DECADES, which is an annoying little fact which denier Goddard choose to ignore. And thus he focuses solely on the last decade and with utter disregard for the truth, changes the UN's original claim which in turn is copy-pasted by the utterly naive readers of his blog (ie, you).

Doesn't your bible say anything about lying?

The answer is simply that temperatures may have flat-lined or even slightly dropped over the past 10 years. But, in comparison to average temperatures in the 1990s, 1980s, etc they are still warmer.

If I climb a hill, and the summit is flat (or even slopes slightly downwards) I can confidently say I'm at a greater altitude than I was half-an-hour ago during my ascent. What you seem to be arguing is essentially that if the top of a hill goes flat, it implies you must be back at sea-level.

How do they figure that ? Cooling temperatures means something is wrong with their theory

equations .

same way they say more snow is really because of globull warming, you have to remember warmers are completely nuts

Likely a hormonal imbalance.


United Nations Says That Cooling Temperatures Indicate Unprecedented Warming

