> Why are people afraid of Global Warming?

Why are people afraid of Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 


If I build a building, for example, I don't expect it to last forever. But I do expect it to at least last for several decades, maybe as much as a century. If the coast line changes fast enough, a building I build now in a place that seems perfectly safe could be uninhabitable in a decade or 2 because of storm surges that flood it regularly.

Also, even if it is cleared of ice, Antarctica won't exactly be prime real estate. It will still be cold, it will still be completely dark about half of the year and completely sunny the other half, and it doesn't have any soil (soil is built up by the interaction between dirt and living things, and an area that has been covered in glaciers for something like hundreds of thousands of years hasn't had any living things to make soil). And scientists suggest that AGW will tend to make dry places drier and wet places wetter (in general), so the Sahara won't be fertile, it'll be even more uninhabitable than it is today.

Or, in other words... sensible people are concerned about global warming because it will cost us a lot of money and cause a lot of destruction, and very few people will benefit from it in the long run.

Because conservatives value order and security, they traditionally favor a strong government role in law enforcement and national defense. They often support the rights of private citizens to own firearms. Many conservatives regard military power as the basis for maintaining order and security in the world.

I am not afraid of global warming It is just a cover up to what is going on in the world .Stock Market Crash /Bank Bailout/ Auto Bailout / Health Care mess/ World At War/ And We Are Talking About CLYMATE CHANGE. why?

Why would you think global warming would make the Sahara dessert fertile? It is already hot and would presumably be hotter. It is also really dry and I see no reason to think global warming would make it rainy. I guess you don't care if we loose Venice, New Orleans, and other cities to flooding, because you don't live there. So that makes it ok for you to help destroy them while you enjoy your cheap electricity and fast cars in your city safe on high ground. That is a bit selfish, don't you think? Of course it will be none of your concern to help pay to relocate millions of people and reimburse them for the loss of their expensive real estate, because you were smart enough to buy property on high ground.

Afraid? I'm old. It's not going to matter to me. If you're young, that will be different.

Clinging to changes?

Seems that I've become fond of eating.

I like having good fresh water to drink.

I'd rather not have the Calif central valley flooded.

The Sahara will become larger, and there will be less space for people to live and grow food.

Antarctica isn't going to melt enough for people to live there.

Maybe you read about the dust bowl in America 80 years ago.

That could happen again.

And be permanent.


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of ALL OF THE MAJOR INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES."


"With the release of the revised statement by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 2007, no remaining scientific body of national or international standing is known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate change."


SO, virtually all of the scientists, from countries around the entire world, think that global warming is a problem. Why do so many relatively uneducated people, who honestly don't understand the physics involved, think that they are smarter than the scientists, who, in many cases, have Master's, and PhD, degrees?

http://www.rkm.com.au/ANIMATIONS/carbon-... <== here's the physics.


Global Warming is a title which has been given by the mainstream scientists of our time to describe the earths changes observed from a limited perspective. In most cases this information has been misconstrued by various media sources to propagate fear. Everything in Nature changes in cycles. Its up to us as visitors to this Ancient Planet to learn to live in harmony with our surroundings instead of trying to control them.


Fear is an emotional reaction. Neither fear nor the lack thereof change the facts. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


There have ALWAYS been scared, weak people, who feel powerless, and who are convinced that some hidden power is running the world and killing them. Today, we call these scared, weak people, Democrats. There will ALWAYS be paranoid Democrats, believing that the sky is falling, and there will always be creepy politicians like Gore and the Clintons and Obama, to ride that paranoia wave into power.

Mars used to have water and plants, what "cycle" are they in now? There is still plenty of land masses there, so no worries on that planet.

The better question is why arent you?

too many people have been suckered by al gore

people are killing our earth... bad things are happening.

If you know the answer to your "question" why are you "asking" it?